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pagati x far iscrivere

Aperto da biviar, 09 Marzo 2010, 19:30:22

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Riporto direttamente dalla homepage del sito:
"Want FREE money?

Build your own Geo String! The longer you make your GeoString, the more free cash we'll put in your pockets!

We'll give you $10.00 free money just for starting your own GeoString.

Furthermore, we'll pay you every time you add length to your GeoString.

It's Fun and it's Free!
Q: What is a "GeoString"?
A: A GeoString is simply a string of your contacts and their contacts all strung together to build an incredible cash generator for the length of the string. You'll be amazed at how far your string reaches, both in numbers, and geographically!

Q: Are you serious? You'll give me $10.00 for registering a free account?
A: Absolutely. Register your free account to claim your free $10.00 now.

Q: Is there really no purchase required?
A: You are not required to purchase anything to claim your $10.00. In fact, we aren't even selling anything.

Q: How much free money can I get?
A: Your income potential is unlimited, and does not cost you anything. The more people you refer to claim their free money, the more you earn. Use the income calculator above to get a potential earnings idea.

Q: What's the catch?
A: Okay, okay, you caught us...
We'll send you one email every Tuesday. This email will include your affiliate stats, as well as messages from our sponsors. You must click the link provided in the email to confirm you've received and opened the email. That's it!.

Q: This sounds too good to be true. How can you pay me if everything is free?
A: Each week when your affiliate earnings and stats are sent, the email will include a small message from our sponsors. It is this sponsor money that is used to pay our membership. Click the "How it Works" tab above for more info."

Penso sia quantomeno da provare, visto che è gratis  :angel:


Non dovrebbe nemmeno essere uno scam visto che è di clixsense

2115 Old Ashland City Rd.
Clarksville, TN 37043

GeoString is an International marketing company based in Clarksville, TN. USA.

GeoString is a subsidiary company of ClixSense Inc., whos Corporation is headquartered in Clarksville, Tennessee.


Mia situazione attuale:

Level   Active Referrals   Earned
#1       31                   $0.32
#2      112                  $1.13
#3       11                   $0.11
#4        -                      -
#5        -                      -
#6        -                      -
#7        -                      -
#8        -                      -
#9        -                      -
#10      -                      -
Totals   154               $1.56