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Europe Trade LTD & TroyBank SCAM??

Aperto da sdrushi, 14 Dicembre 2006, 18:13:14

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Leggevo oggi ecommerce-journal e mi sono imbattuto in due interessanti articol:

Chissà chi avrà ragione  ???




è una questione già letta...personalmente ho scritto ad Europe Trade perchè un utente di Surfreee.com mi aveva segnalato che la sede di Europe Trade a Londra non esisteva...bene posto anche qui la risposta dell'assistenza di Europe Trade, che personalmente reputo un ottimo programma HYIP (110 pagamenti ricevuti ad oggi).

Per Troy Bank invece segnalo il post agli admin di Troy Bank e staremo a sentire anche le loro campane.
A mio avviso certi articoli vengono scritti solo per screditare il fenomeno delle Hyip in generale...ovvio alti interessi alti rischi ma dire che queste società non esistono bè...ci andrei cauto..le ragioni di nascondere o meno le identità delle compagnie HYIP online possono e hanno più significati e non solo quello di truffare gli utenti...ma questa è solo una mia considerazione personale che, ovviamente, non troverà molti sostenitori! ;)   

Il messaggio di Europe Trade

I regret to inform you, but seems like "one of your customer who
claiming he visit us" probable some sort of "scammer".

You can request various company documentation including Trading History
(Yes,we are actually traders) company registration and certificates from
Mr. Morrison morrison@eutradeltd.com . You can check online:
Choose "WebCHeck"
Enter Europe Trade registration number 5070895

ControlScan has also conducted an in depth business background verification and
awarded Europe Trade (UK) Ltd. with the following ControlScan seals of

It's our registered company address - traders and support not available
here and we never told to anyone they can visit us here. However,
you can send any postcard or something else to our UK address and we
scan and submit your correspondence to the Internet.
180 Tottenham Court Rd,
Suite 12,3rd Floor, Queens House,
London W1T 7PD United Kingdom
At same address registered around 30.000 companies and it's located in most
respectable place of London in business center like a Petroleum in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia or ex-WTC in NYC,USA

You can check here




You can visit or call us to any of our branches below :

Asian division of Europe Trade (UK) Ltd represented by
Mr. Eka Budineta
Phone: +6281382377357
E-Mai: ekabunet@eutradeltd.com
Podium Sarinah Thamrin
Cyberzone 24
Office Hours: 14:00 PM o 14:00 AM Monday - Friday

African division of Europe Trade (UK) Ltd represented by
Mr. Bismark Boateng
Phone: 08023530965
Office: 118,Isolo Road, Suite 108/109/110
Mushin Lagos,NGN

United Kingdom division of Europe Trade (UK) Ltd represented by
Mr. Peter Morrison
180 Tottenham Court Rd,
Suite 12,3rd Floor, Queens House,
London W1T 7PD United Kingdom
Toll Free +1(866)748-0869 (USA / Canada)
Phone +44-20-8819-7090
Fax +44-20-8328-9038
*in order to reach us there your caller ID must be detectable.
*not available for public
*you can meet Europe Trade (UK) Team every 3 month at the conference.

Malaysia branch presentation scheduled at 20 October 2006

Netherlands branch presentation scheduled at 20 December 2006

United States branch presentation scheduled at 10 February 2007

Canada branch presentation scheduled at 20 March 2007

The purpose of this conference is to take a skeptical,
results-oriented look at the current state of investments after
the 2006 period and from an international perspective
in terms of issue-based campaigns, emerging business models,
and new tools that affect investment both online and off.

Scheduled 18 January 2007. London,UK

Please,let me know following information:
Your Europe Trade Ltd Login
First/Last Name
City/Zip/Postal Code
Landline or Mobile Phone Number
E-mail address

To reserve your place at the 2007 Conference, you must complete a
Conference Booking Form (will be released at end of 2006) If you
experience any difficulties please contact Bjorn Nordholm -

Attendance at Conference will be by pre-registration only.
Your registration fee includes morning and afternoon refreshments,
buffet lunch and full access to lectures, workshops, forums, the
resources exhibition and day-time receptions. Pre-booking is advisable
as places are limited.

If you have any question - feel free to contact me or give us a call
Toll Free USA/CANADA +1(866)748-0869 /UK +442070992012/FAX +442070431234
You may reach real human CSR 24h/7d there as long as your caller ID is

Online support available at company website.



Jennifer Hartley
Europe Trade (UK) Ltd.
Tel. +44-2070992012

"Esistono due tipi di stolti: Quelli che credono a tutto e quelli che non credono a niente"


per curiosità ho cercato di andare sul sito http://www.eutrdeltd.com, mi è uscita un'altra pagina. Perchè???


Hai mancato una a nell'indirizzo... ma cmq si ottiene lo stesso risultato: sito inesistente!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.