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Aperto da ioguadagno, 12 Luglio 2006, 10:13:09

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.



Hi everybody,
Short answer to the first question is No. The terms clearly state "on or about the 7th day after the expiration of each Ad Pack. There are no guarantees that we will pay by this date but will make effort to do so"
We are currently paying for upgrades that expired on the 18th, and it is the 8th day for those members. I realise that is a day later than we are used to, but there are times when it is not possible to pay right on the 7th day, just as there are also times when we will pay early.
We will be changing that wording to "on or about the 7th WORKING day after the expiration of each Ad Pack. There are no guarantees that we will pay by this date but will make effort to do so"
The reasons for this minor change are many, and are explained in more detail in the forum at http://www.12by12dailyforum.autosurfinfo.com/forum/index.php?topic=1421.0
12by12daily is still the number one site of its type, and we will have an exciting announcement for all of you later in the week.

Happy surfing

Non garantiscono di pagare entro i 7 giorni ma faranno il possibile...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


A quanto pare il famoso dave ha problemi familiari


circa 7 giorni lavorativi...
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Qualcuno può fare un pò di storia del vecchio autosurf di dave? Ha pagato poi alla fine a tt o è diventato scam? grazie per l info
http://www.misterguadagno.com il mio sito sul guadagno online

http://www.marketland.it il sito di annunci


paga ancora, ciclicamente, così come fa con le ref commission di 12by12daily. ma ci dedica meno energie pertanto le attese sono lunghe
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Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


lavorativo???? perchè se nn è così allora è tutto regolare
Matematica alla mano: se l'upgrade ti è scaduto sabato 25, allora sei appena al 6 giorno lavorativo


Sono al 6° giorno lavorativo allora...
Cmq riscuoto questo e l'altro upgrade GROSSO e ritorno a mettere sempre e solo 6$ :D
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


già anch'io, pensavo di forzare un pò 13dp stavolta


Aspetto un pagamento in pending dal 23 ,c'e' gente che sta in pending dal 21 ,sta succedendo la rivolta per i ritardi nei pagamenti,ma spero che domattina inizieranno a pagare a causa del server time ,aspettiamo fiduciosi ...


Oggi hanno pagato scadenza 22/11 qualcuno aspetta pagamenti prima di questa data?


Non avete ricevuto l'email? ...per me siamo quasi alla frutta... :-[

CitazioneHi Everybody,
                       Let me apologise for the lack of communication
over the last 48 hours. I have not been able to access the admin
section of 12by12daily,  This meant that I have been unable to process
any payouts, and I have also been unable to send or receive emails. 


About a week or so ago I announced that we would now allow upgrades up
to a maximum of $12,000.  Supporters of 12by12daily saw this as a
positive step,however a few detractors decided this meant that
12by12daily had a cashflow problem.  By airing their views in public,
they have done untold damage to 12by12daily, and whilst we did not
have a cashflow problem at that time, things are getting a bit tight
now.  Up until now, I have resisted the advice of my team to introduce
a 50/50 rule, as I believed there were enough supporters of the
program to ensure that was not necessary.  Unfortunately this was not
the case, and we have a situation whereby members with large
investments can make a $6 upgrade then take their money and run.  This
can no longer continue.  As of now, if you wish to cashout you must
have a member level equal to 50% of your cashout amount. I realise
this is very short notice and some members may find it difficult, so I
will bend the new rules slightly for som!
e members.  If your upgrade expired on or before 24th November, and
you do not qualify under the new rules, I will pay half of your
cashout amount, and apply the other half to your account as a new free
upgrade. These free upgrades will then need to be matched 100% in
order to cash them out. (I will delay making payouts to those members
for another 24 hours, in case they wish to upgrade, and therefore only
need to match 50%)  Upgrades expiring on the 25th or later will need
to qualify under the new rules.  I do apologise for any inconvenience
caused to members by this sudden change, however, if we were to
continue the way we were, the "hit and runners" would
eventually destroy this opportunity.  If you always upgrade with the
same amount, or are using the 3x3x3 methond, these changes will not
affect you. Whilst they may be unconfortable for some members, these
rules will help 12by12daily to prosper for many months ahead, and in
fact there is no good reason why it cannot las!
t forever. 

Payouts will recommence as soon as I have sent this email, and the new
rules should ensure that they gradually become earlier and earlier,
back to where we were, instead of the current trend of later and
later.  members with 2 pendings who have reverted to free will not
need to email me, as I will be adding the free members to the payout
list, and I will be able to pick you up without the need for an email.

For those members who delight in posting negative things in the forums,
remember, this is your program.  We got through a period of negative
forum posts in the beginning, when we had some problems, and we will
get through this, and as before, come out even stronger on the other
side.  I would remind those members that they agreed to the following
paragraph when they joined, and will have their accounts suspended or
deleted if they continue.

You agree not to engage in conduct which will undermine the success of
this program. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to spreading
negative opinions of 12by12daily on forums, false advertising, false
information or feedback posted on monitoring sites or other sites.


I believe we have the most secure autosurf site on the net.  However
one of the problems with being the biggest is that it creates a
challenge for the lowlifes of this world, who feel it is quite okay to
hack into websites and steal other peoples money.  Almost daily we
have people attempting to access our site, and in most cases we are
able to thwart them.  One guy, in particular, who I will grudgingly
admit is very good at his craft, has been able to access the site on 3
occassions.   The measures we have in place have been able to keep any
damage caused by him to a minimum, but we have had to take the admin
area offline for the last 2 days to further tighten our security.
This is why I have been unable to process payouts, or send and receive
emails in that time.   We have been able to find an approximate
location for this guy, and the FBI also have all the information and
it is only a matter of time before we are able to pinpoint him, and
prosecute.  The main issue is th!
at he has been getting in through the banners file, and uploading some
script that will change some members egold account numbers.  This is
also the reason that we have had major delays in fixing the accounts
of those members who have used more than one egold account in the
past.  For some members, their first egold number is the correct one
to pay to, but for others it is the last one.  Our correction script
will correct them all in one go, to either the first or last, but has
no way of discerning which is the correct one. This has to be done
manually.  The banners have also been removed, as it is not possible
to keep them, and block that security hole.

Citazione di: smartmouse il 04 Dicembre 2006, 23:51:13
Sono al 6° giorno lavorativo allora...
Cmq riscuoto questo e l'altro upgrade GROSSO e ritorno a mettere sempre e solo 6$ :D

...le ultime parole famose! :-X
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


sta continuando a pagare
sono arrivati al 23
id 85k

domani mi tocca upgradare ancora un po' visto che dopodomani mi scade un altro upgrade che sarebbe il mio 3° pending

l'amministratore non è un tipo che scamma quindi la sopravvivenza del programma dipende solamente da noi
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speriamo bene,se va via anche questo mi sa che il guadagno online nn fa per me, o forse tornerò a dedicarmi alle ptr anima e corpo, almeno lì se scammano nn ci perdo niente, a parte il mio tunnel carpale


ma il guadagno online non è mica solo autosurf a %, anzi direi che questi sono una forma subdola o celata di attività speculativa/azzardosa: speculare al guadagno c'è anche la perdita, cosa che non avviene nelle ptr o in altri siti paidto gratuiti. al max non ottieni nulla o perdi tempo, ma mai denaro.
Inserisci gratis i tuoi reflink su IoGuadagno.it