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Aperto da lello78, 20 Novembre 2005, 16:23:58

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


senza il compound riescono a darti invece del 12% giornaliero il 7.5% circa... perchè pagano in 7 giorni + 12 = 19. 144%/19 = 7.5%


Ma se Serfo senza fare upgrade non mi pagano,vero?o e' quello che mi sembra.Ho provato a fare un upgrade ma non so se 'e andato a buonfine,perche' da stormpay non mi e' ancora arrivata nessuna comunicazione(2gg).e' normale?


Non è normale. Si vede che non è andato a buon fine. Dovresti ricevere un'email da StormPay in caso di pagamento effettuato e sul sito di 12dailypro dovrebbe risultare l'updrade entro poche ore.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Se surfi senza upgrade non guadagni nulla (12%*0$ = 0$). Controlla se ti hanno scalato i soldi. Se si e non ti hanno ancora dato l'upgrade prova ad aprire un ticket su 12 daily e su stormpay


You have received a message from 12 Daily Pro:

It has been brought to my attention that there has been a concern addressed by a few mebers who were suspended due to one of our recent system audits that our motives for these suspensions could be questionable.

Though these people admit that they openly violated the terms of service they agreed to when they joined us and they admit that either they did not read the rules or arbitrarily broke them, it has been inferred that the reason we may have made these suspensions is for the motivation of taking or keeping their money.

The fact is that over 70% of the people who were suspended for having multiple payment IDs were also in violation of other terms of service such as multiple accounts and had already defrauded the program of collectively thousands of dollars. In fact, looking at the numbers we actually lost more money to these cheaters already than we suspended in active and pending upgrades.

That said, there are probably about 30% of these members who were suspended that may not have deliberately defrauded the system. They simply were not responsible and professional enough to read the terms of service they clicked on agreed to when they joined. They may have made what they consider an honest mistake.

However there is no possible way we can read and personally deliverate on each different case. They would take us weeks and it would also be a subjectuve judgement. There would be no way to tell which of the two categories each fit into and of course someone that was a blatant cheater would always claim he wasn't.

Because of this and because we want to make it very clear that our ONLY motivations are to protect this program from cheaters who would defraud us, we are going to adjust our decision as such:

1. By midnight on Dec. 30, every member that was suspended due to this recent audit will receive a refund of any upgrade fees active pr pending withdrawal at the time of the suspension.

2. That refund will NOT include any referral commissions earned nor any surf earnings.

3. We will also subtract from each refund the total ammount of any referral commissions in the members history earned as a result of a referrer and a referral sharing a payment ID. If these subtractions are more than your refund would have been, then you will receive an email informing you of such and no refund will be issued.

4. If you shared a payment ID but did not refer each other, you will receive a full refund of any upgrade fees for currently active upgrade or those pending withdrawal.

5. All accounts will remain suspended, but if you would like to open a new account, you may do so as long as all terms and conditions are met AND you use a different email addresses and new payment ID which has not ever been in our system.

6. All current tickets about this matter will not be replied to and will be closed. By Dec. 30 everyone affected will either recive their refund (adjusted or not) or will receive an email informing them their adjustment left a negative refund.

7. Any member with an open stormpay claim need to close it by Dec. 25 in order to qualify for your refund.

We feel that while we were perfectly justified in our suspension action, this is a fair compromise and a solution. We do not want to spend weeks arbitrating this issue; we would much rather focus our energies on serving our members who are dedicated to upholding the rules and working WITH us to build a successful program.

We made a business decision that was based on a violation of terms that were always very clear. But some people are questioning our integrity and I am putting a stop to that right now. Know that 12daily Pro does not need to 'keep' anyone's money. We have been here for 8 months and not only survived a DDOS attack, rings of scammers and cheaters, payment processor technical issues and more, but have come out of each challenge financially secure. Our continued payments to you ON TIME and in accordance with our 7 business day benchmark despite all of this is proof that none of these things have affected our financial stability.

But to alay any further doubt regarding this matter, from Dec. 24, we will give all suspended accounts the opportunity to submit a claim for arbitration and investigation. The investigations will deal with tangible proof only from both sides, as to eliminate any chance of subjectively. If the suspension is lifted, all earnings will be updated, payments taken off hold and the account reinstated. If the suspension upheld, the account will be deleted permanantly and there will be a technical block on anyone with that payment ID, email address, or IP address ever joining the program again.

This new policy is NOT retroactive to members with past suspensionnts. Members will suspended account tickets currently in the ticket system, with the acception of those suspeneded during this recent audit, will fall under the new rules. These new rules will be added to the terms of service.

We will also be working on a technological solution that will block members from entering a payment ID already in use in our system. Expect this to be in place within a few weeks. We will also be revamping our terms of service to make things even more clear than they already are and finding new ways to put them in the faces of those who refuse to read.

12daily Pro is dedicated to protecting our members from those who would try to defraud them and our program. We will continue to do all we can to insure a safe, cheater-free, thriving environment for you all. We thank each and everyone one of you who took the responsibility to read our terms and conditions when you joined and who are diligently avbiding by them. It's because of you that we work as hard as we possibly can to protect your program.

Once again, we are doing everything we can to provide a fair solution to a very difficult situation.

This message will be emailed on Dec. 24 to all affected account holders.

Charis 12dp Admin

Please do not reply to this email, as it will go unread!

You are receiving this email as a current member of 12 Daily Pro. Removing your account will prevent future 12 Daily Pro e-mails from being sent to you. If you wish to remove your account, simply login to your account at http://www.12dailypro.com/ and click on the 'Delete Account' link in the member control panel. Please be sure you have read and understood the site Terms and Conditions, more specifically, the section as to what happens when an account is deleted, prior to clicking the 'Delete Account' link as to prevent any unwanted outcome.

If you ever receive E-mails that appear to be from 12 Daily Pro without this message, it most likely was not sent by us.


Anche a me è arrivata questa email e sinceramente non l'ho letta fino in fondo. Non vorrei sbagliarmi ma credo che riguardi l'introduzione di nuove regole riguardo la sospensione degli account.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


 :-[dovro farmi un corso accellerato di Inglese ogni mail che ricevo non capisco: ::) ::)


Anche a me e' arrivata.Un consiglio vi vorrei chiedere.Mi aiutate(passo passo)ad upgradare?visto che propio non riesco!!ho provato con carta di credito(uno dei metodi)visto che con stormpay mi dice che non ho soldi li',ma non va in porto in nessun modo ???Se no l'unica e che vi do i soldi e me lo fate voi gentilmente ;D


Citazione di: champy il 25 Dicembre 2005, 14:34:03
Anche a me e' arrivata.Un consiglio vi vorrei chiedere.Mi aiutate(passo passo)ad upgradare?visto che propio non riesco!!ho provato con carta di credito(uno dei metodi)visto che con stormpay mi dice che non ho soldi li',ma non va in porto in nessun modo ???
Il tuo balance nel conto stormpay a quanto ammonta?

Se no l'unica e che vi do i soldi e me lo fate voi gentilmente ;D
Se apri un topic nell'area Scambio Monete puoi fare quello che dici tu... magari scambi con me.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Farti fare l'upgade da qualcun'altro violerebbe il terms e vedresti entrambi i vostri account sospesi...


Da quanto ho capito da quell' email hanno sospeso degli account di gente che condivideva lo stesso id per il pagamento e qiundi erano considerati possessori di più account. Gli è andata cmq bene perchè dicono che verranno lo stesso rmborsati dei loro upgrades.


Che dite upgrado?Chiedo a voi che conoscete il vento.... 8)


Non vedo ragioni per cui nn farlo...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Ragazzi leggete sempre i tems per non trovare  qualche sopressssss


Ultimamento poi ke casino  ;D