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Aperto da lello78, 20 Novembre 2005, 16:23:58

0 Utenti e 2 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


allora dovrai ritornare i soldi  ;D
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Per tutti quelli che erano iscritti a 12DailyPro, sembra che qualcosa si stia muovendo concretamente per quanto riguarda i refund. Riporto l'ultima email inviata da Thomas F. Lennon, il "curatore" di cui sopra:

CitazioneRe: Securities and Exchange Commission v. Charis Johnson, LifeClicks, LLC, and 12Daily Pro; USDC, Central Dist. of CA, Case No. CV 06-01018-NM(PLAx)

As communicated previously to the Court and the investors of 12daily Pro ("12DP"), the Receiver's goal is an equitable distribution of receivership estate funds.   In order to achieve this goal, the Receiver must gather information from investors in a two-step process.  The first step involves the setting up of an interactive web portal to gather information from investors.  This letter is being sent to you to provide information and instructions for logging in to the web portal and providing your contact information and 12DP account(s) information. 

The web portal is located at http://www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com/accounts.  Please log in and you will be asked to set up a username and password.  The username will be your current email address.  You should use the email address at which the Receiver can contact you.  Once you have set up a username and password, an email will be sent to you with an activation code.  You must retrieve this activation code in order to proceed.  Once you have entered the activation code, you will be asked to provide your

(a) Name,

(b) Current address, and

(c) Account numbers for any and all accounts at 12DP (including accounts at StormPay, Inc., e-gold, Ltd. or EMO Corporation).

Please click on the appropriate tabs for 12DP, StormPay, EMO and EGold to enter your account numbers.  If you had more than one account at any of these entities, you will have the opportunity to enter additional accounts by clicking on the "Add" box.  All information provided by investors through the web portal will be kept secure and will be used only by the Receiver.

If you have any problems logging into the investor web portal or entering your contact and account information, please visit the Receiver's website at www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com and click on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Re Web Portal and Claims.  If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please email the Receiver at tfl@tlennonfor12dailypro.com or call the dedicated investor telephone line at (619) 464-6691.

Once investors have logged in and provided their contact and 12DP account information, it is the Receiver's intention to obtain permission from the Court to use the web portal to establish investor claim amounts and resolve any disputes with respect thereto.  It is anticipated that claims will be calculated using a simple money-in, money-out formula (or "MIMO" formula).  After investors have logged in, the Receiver will make each investor's transactions with 12DP and MIMO claim amount available to them.  Further instructions will be provided for the submission of documentation if investors disagree with their MIMO claim amount.

Once all disputes regarding investor claim amounts have been resolved, the Receiver will provide the Court with a schedule of  allowed claims and request permission to distribute receivership estate funds on a pro rata basis.

Please check the website for updates and further information including answers to Frequently Asked Questions Re Web Portal and Claims.

Please click here to log that you have viewed this document: www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com/notice/notice_record.aspx?email=xxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx

This e-mail was sent by Thomas F. Lennon Inc., located at 7777 Alvarado Rd., Suite 712, La Mesa, CA 91941 (USA). To not receive further e-mails, please click here and confirm your unsubscription.

Dopo una lunghissima ricerca tra vecchie email, log e backup vari, sono riuscito a recuperare l'account di 12DP e delle varie monete (e-gold, StormPay ed EMO!). Ho compilato tutti i campi e ho inviato anche un'email al contatto indicato in home page... per chiedere:

Ho diritto ad un refund anche nel caso in cui il totale dei pagamenti ricevuti superi il totale degli upgrade?! Ho reputato questa domanda legittima, dal momento che la somma dei miei ultimi pending era di quasi 250$!

Scusate se ho riaperto un topic vecchissimo...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


se rimango soldi dopo aver rimborsato al 100% chi era in passivo, allora credo che li distribuiranno anche a chi era in attivo

dubito cmq che riescano a racimolare fondi a sufficienza
Inserisci gratis i tuoi reflink su IoGuadagno.it


Bill Johnston mi ha risposto dicendo che nel mio caso non avrò diritto a nessun "rimborso" :-\
Avevo dei pending per un totale di 250$, ma ero in attivo di 50$... salvo se non ho sbagliato a fare i calcoli :P
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


io avevo pending per 21000$ :) e mi sa che prenderò un sacco di calci nel culo eheheh .... mah se paga mi pago la pizza dai :)
Per aggiungermi a skype cercami come kenpippo , su telegram come @spettro75

"" E poi non ho bisogno di alcuna finanziaria, io sono un investitore immobiliare professionista e 30'000 euro se vuoi te li finanzio io in 12 ore!!! "" Dal cazzaro secondo investorffx


Citazione di: lucapinerolo il 12 Settembre 2007, 17:13:03
io avevo pending per 21000$ :) e mi sa che prenderò un sacco di calci nel culo eheheh .... mah se paga mi pago la pizza dai :)

Tu le ricevi le email del receiver? O arrivano solo a me?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Nuova email del receiver:


The Receiver appointed by the United States District Court for 12daily Pro ("12DP") has created a web portal for investors to login and view their claim amount.  The web portal has been active since August 2007 and investors have been able to login and enter their contact information and account information.  However, the web portal has now been updated with transactional information and claim information for each 12DP investor.  You can access the web portal from the Receiver's main website:  www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com.

The Receiver understands that many investors will have questions regarding how to access and use the web portal, what the information provided in the web portal means and what to do if you believe that the information is incomplete or incorrect.  Therefore, attached hereto are detailed instructions for using the web portal as well as a new list of Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQs") for the web portal.  PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND FAQs BEFORE CONTACTING THE RECEIVER'S OFFICE.  As always, the Receiver will respond to all investor inquiries as promptly as possible.  Please be considerate of other investors -- voicemails, emails and faxes with questions that are covered by the instructions and FAQs cause unnecessary administrative expense and delay the Receiver's ability to respond to other investor inquiries.

Loggandomi nel mio account trovo un MIMO di $31.41... quindi non mi devono nulla :(
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Nessun altro segue il sito del receiver (www.tlennonfor12dailypro.com) ?

Io intanto ho avuto la conferma che non mi spetta nulla:

Net MIMO Amount:  $31.41
Net Claim Amount: $0.00
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


io 6$...:lol:
il resto l'ho già recuperato a suo tempo con un reclamo alla mia banca...


21.000 $ azz. ci sei andato pesante. 12dp sarà sempre il migliore.