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13DailySite.com (ROI 130%)

Aperto da lello78, 20 Giugno 2007, 12:29:32

0 Utenti e 5 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


   14:42   Payment Received   8426xxxx   Gold   +0.060486   3937xxx   39.80 USD   658.00
From: 13 Daily Site    Merchant Reference #: 1738
Memo: 13DailySite: Cashout



pagati anche noi...abilitati i cashout per le ref com relative a questo sito...

   14:51   Payment Received   84266482   Gold   +0.039240   3xxxxxx   25.80 USD   657.50
From: 13 Daily Site    Merchant Reference #: 1759
Memo: 13DailySite: Cashout
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


Pagato anch'io!! ;D

Se quando torno a settembre esiste ancora...metto su qualcosa di più sostanzioso!


Pagati per la ref contest..ieri..nn ho potuto aggiornare in tempo causa impraticabilita del forum..

   19:30   Payment Received   84274688   Gold   +0.076092   3xxxxx8   50.00 USD   657.10
From: 13 Daily Site
Memo: Referral contest prize (4th place) User: #60

Ancora grazie a tutti.
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


Aggiunto Anche AlertPay come metodo di pagamento e se non erro con quella valuta elettronica si puo richiedere il charge back? giusto?
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


 ;D Pagato  :smitten:

Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.009892   *******   6.50 USD   657.10
From: 13 Daily Site    Merchant Reference #: 1930
Memo: 13DailySite: Cashout

e riupgradato  ;D


altro pagamento ricevuto...

Hello search-autosurf,

Your 13DailySite cashout has been processed.

Amount: $26.60
Time of Expire: Aug 19, 2007 00:00AM
Time Processed: Aug 19, 2007 07:31AM
Paid To Account: 3xxxxx2 (E-gold)
Merchant Ref: #1918
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


Dai... che fra poco arrivo anche io al payout!!



Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Anche io ho ricevuto il pagamento....




Your 13DailySite cashout has been processed.

Amount: $43.40
Time of Expire: Aug 23, 2007 00:00AM
Time Processed: Aug 23, 2007 12:20PM
Paid To Account: 4xxxxxx3 (E-gold)
Merchant Ref: #2215
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


E-gold ha bloccato anche il loro conto  :(

Hello members,

Our e-gold account 3937008 has been blocked today for no apparent reason. We have contacted e-gold to unblock it, and we are still awaiting their reply. In the meantime we have opened a new e-gold account 4717289.

All our e-gold funds are currently in our blocked account and we await e-gold\'s response to this. As soon as the issue is resolved we will begin processing current pendings. We have decided not to transfer out our blocked e-gold otherwise we risk getting our new account blocked too and e-gold may then decide not to unblock our primary account.

We are also receiving A LOT of support emails about our members e-gold accounts also being blocked too and wanting to change their e-gold account details and sometimes we have to change the same member\'s e-gold account two or three times, because each time they open a new one it gets blocked. This has been happening since yesterday.

We have decided to process everyone\'s pendings together, so SolidTrustPay pendings will be processed together with e-gold when the issue is resolved.

Note that payouts are processed within 72 hours, so even if it takes a day or so to resolve, we will still be well within our payout terms.

Thanks for your patience and I will keep you updated on this situation.


James Stewart
13DailySite Admin


Sfortunaccia. Proprio oggi che mi era scaduto l'upgrade e aspettavo il pagamento :(


si ripete la storia di StormPay

e che kaiser!!!



CitazioneHello members,

As you all may know already, our program, 13DailySite has run into some
difficulties recently. The block on our e-gold account was only one of
several setbacks 13DailySite has suffered over the last week or so:

1) E-gold blocks - As you may have heard, e-gold has blocked hundreds
if not thousands of peoples accounts including ours over the last few
days. We believe this was done completely at random, because some
other program admins did not get their account blocked, including
those whos programs have closed and stopped paying altogether. This is
baffling to us, because we were paying everyone within 24 hours or
less, so we dont understand why our account was blocked and other
admins accounts who stopped paying or had scammed were not. We have
been receiving many emails from members to change their blocked e-gold
accounts, and they just keep on coming.

2) E-gold errors - As some of you may have noticed over the last few
weeks, every now and then e-gold errors have occurred when you try to
spend or upgrade in our program or any other programs. You would get a
message like:

Error(s) detected:

The system was unable to perform your request at this time, please try
again in a few minutes.

Payment processing cancelled


Cannot confirm spend, the error is:

Object required

This has happened a few times in our program over the last 2 weeks
where many people have been unable to upgrade for several hours at a
time and eventually give up because of this e-gold system error. We
wouldnt be surprised if these errors continue to happen into the
future. Along with the random blocks and e-gold being DDOSed
frequently (one time it was down for half a day) and reports of e-gold
now locking accounts, our confidence in e-gold has diminished

3) No Future - Since e-gold accounts for around 60% to 70% of the total
upgrade amount in our program, we rely on e-gold heavily. We cannot
simply drop e-gold or change to another processor such as Liberty
Reserve or E-Bullion, because these processors are not widely used at
all and most people who use e-gold dont have accounts with these
processors, at least not yet. For a program to grow big and become
great, people must have confidence in the main payment processor it
uses. Confidence in e-gold is dropping fast with all the problems, and
more and more people are wanting to sell their e-gold and less are
buying it. With e-gold going downhill fast, there is no way our
program can continue to grow into the future. And as I have said
earlier dropping e-gold is not an option at this stage. In fact our
program had already hit a plateau with e-gold as e-gold upgrade
cashflow had gone into negative (ie withdrawals in e-gold exceed
upgrades in e-gold) over the last several days and we had
no choice but to outexchange some SolidTrustPay in order to pay for
e-gold cashouts.

And before people begin to start thinking Im putting the full blame on
e-gold, here are some non-egold setbacks we have suffered recently:

4) Hit and Runners - Unlike most programs, we never had a 50/50 rule in
place and we knew we were taking a big risk by not having such a rule.
Despite capping our maximum upgrade at $500, our program still
suffered many hit and runners and we only found out recently that some
members had opened multiple accounts to bypass the maximum and also
were commission stacking (ie. opening multiple account all referred to
each other so they can also pocket the refferral commssions).
Unfortuantely, we only had investigated into this just recently when
we noticed our program had been hit and it was too late to stop them.

5) Sustainability - Our program lasted 82 days or nearly 3 months
paying within 24 hours and we believe we were one of the longest
lasting programs during the summer. However, our program was not
sustainable for much longer and the last few days we entered into
negative cashflow and looking ahead there were even bigger payouts to
be made, so we dont believe we would have lasted much longer. The
second referral contest gave our program a boost but we noticed as
soon as the referral contest had ended, our programs growth slowed
considerably and those that joined during the referral contest did not
reupgrade. And another thing contributing to this slow in growth was

6) MMG is DOWN - MMG has been up and down for around 10 days already
due to a major DDOS attack and in the last 3 days has been completely
down and out. And right now as I type this they are still down. Our
program started suffering as soon as these attacks started, because
MMG was our main forum for discussion and without it we felt and Im
sure members felt the main place for communication between admin and
members and between members was lost. Also a lot of the positive posts
and feedback were in our thread at MMG and new members that were
joining us were unable to see the positive feeback on MMG. And we were
receiving a lot of traffic from the our thread in MMG and also from
members signatures on that forum. All this was lost when MMG was down.

7) A lot of bigger programs closing/running into problems recently - In
the last week there have been a lot of the bigger programs going down
or running into problems. You may think this would mean everyone would
flock over to our program when others go down which is usually the
case, but this was not the case recently. In fact, I noticed a lot of
people in the other programs losing confidence in this industry when
the other programs ran into trouble. The fall of these programs
recently was not good for the overall confidence in the industry which
in turn did not help our program at all.

So there you have it, these are all the setbacks our program has
suffered either directly or indirectly recently and due to cashflow
problem recently arising in the last week or so, we have decided the
only thing we can do now is to close our program and we will be
deciding on a suitable refund plan for members over the next couple of
days. We understand that many of you will be disappointed with this
news, and we are equally disappointed that 13DailySite has had to come
to an end especially after all our hard work in attempting to turn
around this industry to no avail.

We will be deciding on a suitable refund plan and we will come to
decision on this on or around monday or tuesday.


James Stewart
13DailySite Admin
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.