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Aperto da Sheva, 24 Giugno 2006, 12:02:06

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Ragazzi vi consiglio questo sito: http://www.add-surf.com/?ref=779
è stupendo! sono stato già pagato 4 volte!!!!

Minimo upgrade: 10$



Personalmente ora diffido da quelli che offrono più dell'1%.. con il casino che c'è stato un po' di tempo fa..
che ti abbiano pagato già 4 volte è certamente cosa buona, spero solo per te che il sito duri davvero..

Un consiglio (in modo particolare per i newbie): se l'admin dell'autosurf a cui siete iscritti non è un vostro amico o uno che conoscete, tenete sempre gli occhi aperti; cercate di portare a casa il prima possibile i soldi che avete usato per fare gli upgrades e poi lavorate con i compound. Il consiglio sembra sciocco, ma spesso ci si lascia prendere la mano dal desiderio di guadagnare sempre di più..

Ad ogni modo..da quanto tempo è in rete questo autosurf?


Hellow All

In business, when a product don't go well, then that company take off that product from market and after some days, they introduce the same product but in different way. Maybe new packet or many be new offer, but the product remain same.

Lets share what is our plan. Still you will have a choice.

The current situation is, the pending cashout is near to our reserve fund. So,

1 - We can pay everyone now and this is the end of Add-Surf.com. Which we really don't want to do.

2 - This is what we are going to do.

We will start Add-Surf.com as fresh start. With new site, everything will be new, everyone have to signup and upgrade again. We will try to avoid those mistakes we have done in past.

There will not be any payout for the new site in 12 days. But we will keep paying slowly the pending cashouts of old (current) site.

Please mark, we can start any new site without telling anyone anything. Nobody will no that xxx-surf.com is from Add-Surf.com. We could stop Add-Surf.com and ran away.

But we like to keep Add-Surf.com up and running so you can advertise and earn money.

The new site will be also www.Add-Surf.com but the layout will be new.add-surf.com's one.

We will accepting only e-gold.

Thank you
Sam Markoff
Admin, Add-Surf.com


Salve a tutti,proprio stamattina hanno mandato una email :

Hellow All

In business, when a product don't go well, then that company take off that product from market and after some days, they introduce the same product but in different way. Maybe new packet or many be new offer, but the product remain same.

Lets share what is our plan. Still you will have a choice.

The current situation is, the pending cashout is near to our reserve fund. So,

1 - We can pay everyone now and this is the end of Add-Surf.com. Which we really don't want to do.

2 - This is what we are going to do.

We will start Add-Surf.com as fresh start. With new site, everything will be new, everyone have to signup and upgrade again. We will try to avoid those mistakes we have done in past.

There will not be any payout for the new site in 12 days. But we will keep paying slowly the pending cashouts of old (current) site.

Please mark, we can start any new site without telling anyone anything. Nobody will no that xxx-surf.com is from Add-Surf.com. We could stop Add-Surf.com and ran away.

But we like to keep Add-Surf.com up and running so you can advertise and earn money.

The new site will be also www.Add-Surf.com but the layout will be new.add-surf.com's one.

We will accepting only e-gold.

Thank you
Sam Markoff
Admin, Add-Surf.com

Io avevo 10 dollari dentro e mi sa che glieli perdo!


Ciao ezzrssi, non ti sei accorto che prima di te jimi1970 aveva postato la stessa cosa?!?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


OPS Chiedo scusa no non mi ero accorto,ma sai la rabbia per essere stato scammato ... credo sia un bel vizietto di sti siti fare finta di organizzare il refund  e lasciarti i pagamenti in sospeso per poi ritornare on line dopo con lo stesso metodo!