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  • Messaggi totali: 50.526
  • Totale discussioni: 7.254
  • Online Oggi: 61
  • Massimi online: 1.578 (05 Settembre 2016, 16:07:48)
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  • Visitatori: 28
  • Totale: 28


Aperto da HyipBox, 15 Aprile 2010, 00:15:37

0 Utenti e 2 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Date: 2010-28-04 16:13:58
Batch: 36759377
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox

Istantaneo :)


Date: 2010-29-04 16:06:12
Batch: 36848512
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox

Senza problemi :)


Date: 2010-30-04 16:12:17
Batch: 36934719
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Date: 2010-04-05 16:12:35
Batch: 37191386
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Date: 2010-05-05 16:04:59
Batch: 37275433
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox

Sempre pagante :)


Date: 2010-06-05 16:05:46
Batch: 37363558
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Altro dollaruccio :)

Date: 2010-07-05 16:21:31
Batch: 37450065
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox


Date: 2010-08-05 16:06:23
Batch: 37520035
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox

Sempre puntuale :)


Date: 2010-11-05 16:25:48
Batch: 37716283
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox

Automatico come al solito :)


Date: 2010-12-05 16:22:23
Batch: 37800215
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Date: 2010-13-05 16:09:45
Batch: 37874173
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Date: 2010-15-05 16:05:40
Batch: 38013479
From Account: U5566023
Amount: $1.00
Memo: User withdrawal Hyipbox



Oggi non hanno effettuato i pagamenti automatici.
Sul conto hanno accreditato il doppio degli interessi, ma non sono ritirabili.
Il support dice che domani sistemano tutto.

Bisogna vedere come.... :(


Lo scam è sempre più certo.
Oggi invece di pagare, prendono ancora un giorno di tempo per sistemare lo script con gravi problemi...

CitazioneSerious problem
We are sorry to tell you, that yesterday we had a serious problem with our script and the earnings were credited to your account twice. We were trying to solve this problem in order to pay you all the money today at 9 (UTC-5). But unfortunately, we have to tell you, that the problem will be solved only tomorrow at 9 (UTC-5). Everything will be alright and you have nothing to worry about. Sorry for this problem.
Best regards,
Guillermo Hernandez . CEO at Alpha-Money.
today » 08:40:44