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Aperto da check, 05 Gennaio 2006, 18:31:55

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Join Free and Earn
Free $10.00; plus 10% Referral Commissions.
Surf 63 Sites for 100 days; earns you $10.
1:.8 Surf Ratio.

Upgraded Members
Upgrades are $10. will pay 1% a day for Auto Surfing 50 sites. (Do not expire ever!)
Surf every day and receive 365% a year.
Receive 10% referral bonuses plus 1000 credits a month.
1:1 Surf Ratio.

Weekly Payouts if you have a balance of $10 or more
(Now With Mass Pay)
Every Saturday is PAYDAY at Auto-Surf.biz!

GetPaid2Surf site AutoSurf Monitor Rating  MSN Groups



non è vero

non esistono i 10$ free


All'iscrizione (fatta quasi un mesetto fa) a me hanno dato 10$ come livello. Ieri mi sono accorto che me li hanno tolti, ma non ho capito se era perchè hanno cambiato i terms o perchè era scaduto l'upgrade bonus.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Ecco l'email riguardo a quanto discusso sopra:

The New Year has brought a few changes to Auto-Surf.biz.

This email is a summary of those major changes that most directly impact our members.

* First and foremost, effective January 1st, 2006, Auto-Surf.biz is no longer offering
a $10 sign up bonus for new members. All existing bonuses have been removed.

   - Existing free members have had their member levels reset to zero

   - We are in the process of removing the $10 bonus and balancing the account levels of our upgraded members

If you are advertising Auto-Surf.biz, please make sure you update your advertising
to remove any mention of the sign up bonuses.

* Secondly, we have modified our free membership terms. Free members now have 7 days to surf, earn credits and advertise with Auto-Surf.biz. If free members do not upgrade within that initial 7-day period, their accounts will become inactive and removed from our membership database

   - Free members that joined prior to January 1st, 2006 have until January 7th to
            purchase a minimum of 1 upgrade (either through payment processor or by compounding). If an upgrade is not purchased by 11:59p Sat January 7th, the account will become inactive and will be removed from our membership database
   - Free members that signed up on or after January 1st will have 7 days from the date of their signup to purchase a minimum of 1 upgrade. Again, if the account is not upgraded within the 7 day trial period, the account will become inactive and will be removed

Please do not submit support tickets asking for an extension of this time frame. Those tickets will not be acknowledged as these are the new Terms of Service for Auto-Surf.biz that have been discussed for the last month. These decisions and dates are final.

Please be aware, these changes are not indicative of any program issues or instability. They are being implemented to address resource issues and help to ensure the long term sustainability of our program.

Hope you are all making it a great week  :)

Dan and Colette

...aggiungo: SCAM in corso... prego attendere... :-\
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Gia pure a me hanno tolto il bonus dato mesi fa . dall anno nuovo se ti registri devi per forza upgradare entro 7 giorni ,in caso contrario ti chiudono account.

io ho balance 7.xx$ cosa me ne faccio?

Second e nulla anzi tolgo il sito dai url per surf cosi mi faccio un favore a me stesso

se devo investire invest su dadn... solo 10 siti * 15 secondi . Giusto raga?


Citazione di: versus il 06 Gennaio 2006, 09:44:57
se devo investire invest su dadn... solo 10 siti * 15 secondi . Giusto raga?

Se intendi dadndaves, si.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



mi sono accorto della brutta sospresa di fine anno e anche se mi dispiace lasciargli 6$ nel balance 10$ non mi fido a darglieli! Mi è capitata la stessa con Eprofit surf, qualcuno sa dirmi se è successa la stessa cosa?


YES pure a me   ???

Non mi fido piu hai siti cosi, ho fatto un brutto fine con space-surf.....

Meglio DadnDaves ke ci sta in campo da 3 anni !


Citazione di: versus il 07 Gennaio 2006, 18:24:11
Non mi fido piu hai siti cosi, ho fatto un brutto fine con space-surf.....

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


avevo in cash 11.xx$ sul quel e qui ho 8-7 $

Dimentico tutto e lascio sti azz di surf scam


Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



sob, anch'io ho questo autosurf, ma non mi hanno ancora tolto nulla.
maremma m.... ma tutti a me capitano?


Tranquil non sei solo ,siamo tutti com te  :-\