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drive-dollars - drive-dollars.com

Aperto da Karelking, 27 Luglio 2011, 07:34:56

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


I'm not admin
CitazioneDrive Dollars Inc. is an independent investment company founded in June, 2006. Our company always offers the most advanced investment services and seeks to provide a decent standard of customer service.
Our investment advisors personally work with each client. We always try to help clients to understand the intricacies of investment process, the situation on stock markets and help to choose the most profitable way to invest. To date, we offer a range of special services that are not only convenient for customers, but also greatly multiply their income. The company is known as an active participant in the high yield market. It occupies one of the highest places on the volume of transactions and operations in all major stock exchanges and OTC areas.
800% after 1 hour
Plan   Spent Amount ($)   Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1   $120 - $12,000   800.00

50% hourly on 6 hours
Plan   Spent Amount ($)   Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1   $70 - $50,000   50.00

20% hourly on 12 hours
Plan   Spent Amount ($)   Hourly Profit (%)
Plan 1   $50 - $100,000   20.00

1000% after 1 week
Plan   Spent Amount ($)   Weekly Profit (%)
Plan 1   $25 - $100,000   1000.00

1% daily for 1 year
Plan   Spent Amount ($)   Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1   $5 - $100,000   1.00

Accept : LR, PM



Ma come fa a pagare l'800% dopo un giorno???

Neanche un pazzo ci investirebbe...
Guadaganare? Le ultime serie tv? Lavori on-line?
Visita il mio blog: http://tutto-per-internet.blogspot.com/


Karelking ha la mania di creare topic di hyip super rischiosi e molti sono già scam prima di nascere.
Questo è uno di questi...