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Felgold - Felgold.com

20% giornaliero per 7 giorni

Aperto da Hyip Council, 31 Ottobre 2012, 00:44:26

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.

Hyip Council

CitazioneFelgold Partners is a leading, highly diversified global investment management firm. Felgold Partners offers a range of alternative and traditional investment strategies for institutional and private investors around the world.

Founded in 2001, the Company seeks to provide its investors with risk-adjusted returns in a management structure that closely aligns the interests of investors and managers. A combination of various investment options and strategies is used to achieve the optimal balance for our portfolio. Based on our needs we work with market specialists to secure financing or raise additional capital through joint ventures, or partnerships. There are numerous financing options that are available to help meet overall investment goals. Our goal is to understand the mix of credit and debt requirements for every project and make recommendations based on expectations that will help maximize financial returns.

Offrono tre piani d'investimento:

Basic 140%: 20% giornaliero per 7 giorni, ritiro istantaneo, $1.00-$50000.00    
Business 200%: 200% giornaliero per 7 giorni, ritiro istantaneo, $10.00-$50000.00
VIP 150%: 50% giornaliero per 7 giorni, ritiro istantaneo, $700.00-$7000.00

Accetta: Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Egopay
Referral: 10%

Sign Up

Hyip Council

Pagante all'istante!

Date: 2012-29-10 11:30:27
Batch: 116841907
From Account: U2207434
Amount: $3.20
Memo: Withdrawal to hyipcouncil from felgold.com

Date: 2012-30-10 09:03:53
Batch: 117000758
From Account: U2207434
Amount: $3.00
Memo: Withdrawal to hyipcouncil from felgold.com

Hyip Council

Paid again  instantly!

Date: 2012-31-10 11:01:46
Batch: 117211654
From Account: U2207434
Amount: $5.20
Memo: Withdrawal to hyipcouncil from felgold.com

Hyip Council

Scam adesso! Due pending payment da tre giorni.

Withdrawal request Pending:$5.00 Nov-02-2012 11:33:10 AM
Withdrawal request Pending:$5.14 Nov-01-2012 07:28:41 AM

Hyip Council

Sembra abbiano ricominciato a pagare. Non è male come progetto in generale. Programmi simili hanno pagato per mesi. Vediamo se continua.

11/07/2012 08:38 118383133 U2207434 (Felgold Part...) + $5.00
Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdrawal to hyipcouncil from felgold.com


risulta scam da un bel po dal 7/8 novembre scorso

prima bisogna chiedere a hyipcouncil se a lui paga ancora


Nel frattempo lo sposto tra gli scam...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.