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instantlycash.in - 12% per 12gg

Aperto da jimi1970, 31 Luglio 2007, 11:17:20

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Hello surfers and welcome to InstantlyCash.in,

How would you like to get paid everyday instant without hassles?
At InstantlyCash.in we don't think member should have to wait to get paid.
We also do not require you to make a purchase before getting your payouts.
If you are new to surfing please take a minute to look around.
We offer what surfers need to make money without any problems.
You signup, purchase a membership, surf and GET PAID instant and automatic.

No need to wait for ADMIN's to pay or payout excuses like the other sites.

12% for 12 days surfing all paid instant no excuses !

Advertisers we have both manual and autosurfing to provide targeted real live people for your ads.
Don't want to spend a dime? We have a way for you to make money with instant payouts also !
Did you know that we pay 5 levels down for referrals all automatic and instant ! No purchase required !
Signup now and we will start you out as a free member earning instant referral payments. FREE !
And to make it even better we will give you a trial upgrade that pays into your account balance.

You have nothing to lose ... Give it a try and signup for free NOW !

appena nato!

12% per 12gg

upgrade minimo 12$

paga mentre si surfa

già pagato






và alla grande e l'upgrade retroattivo è veramente nice!!!



come si fa a chiedere il pagamento?
http://www.misterguadagno.com il mio sito sul guadagno online

http://www.marketland.it il sito di annunci


Citazione di: batman il 10 Agosto 2007, 21:11:33
come si fa a chiedere il pagamento?

non devi richiedere...paga in automatico mentre surfi


peccato che nessuno del forum ci abbia messo niente!

o che cmq non posti di essere stato pagato

cmq...tutto ok con sto surf fin'ora



oggi sono scomparsi gli upgrades attivi



IN home hanno investdaddy con scritto paying ma nel monitor sono in waiting quindi hai ragione penso che:

Aspettiamo domani per avere notizie da jimi