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MoneyLand - MoneyLand.net

Aperto da Hyip Council, 14 Ottobre 2012, 20:39:22

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.

Hyip Council

CitazioneThe trust, amiability and openness are the foundation of investment in Money Land Inc. You are in one of the high-yield project. Every investor, who wants to get big profits quickly and without risk, can find on Investment Code professionally experts in investment, which will help safely to adapt your assets on the ever changing Forex market.
Money Land Inc. service includes a high interest rate with reducing risk of investment on made deposit, financial stability, timely payments, full confidentiality and a high level of customer support.

Money Land Inc. - is online-invest project for people who want generate good income in a relatively short period. We are team of experienced traders which is providing superior investment returns by placing its on Forex market.
We have formed an investment portfolio of growth and income with different financial tools, order to avoid possible losses from a fall in market value on Forex market. Money Land Inc. provides financial protection of assets through correct distribution of the investment loads on the committed on the Forex transaction.

Piano giornaliero:
106%-122% dopo 1 giorno
120%-225% dopo 5 giorni
277%-777% dopo15 giorni
600%-3000% dopo 30 giorni

Piano orario:
13%-16% ora per 8 ore

Piano VIP
10000% dopo 60 giorni

Min. deposito: $1
Max. deposito: $50000

Commissioni di Referral: Fino a 8%
Accetta: Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money
AntiDDoS - Server dedicato -SSL


Hyip Council

Il programma è pagante. Un buon sito in generale. Il fatto che paga a ore non significa che non paga e che non si possa guadagnare, occorre solo riferirsi alle ore come tempi e non ai giorni. Si brucia tutto in minor tempo.
Pagamenti recenti.

Date: 10/11/2012 9:53 PM
Batch: 114180052
From Account: U3267371 (Moneyland)
Amount: $1.99
Memo: Withdraw to mik*** from Money Land Inc.

Date: 10/14/2012 6:37 AM
Batch: 114486763
From Account: U3267371 (Moneyland)
Amount: $2.00
Memo: Withdraw to mik*** from Money Land Inc.

Hyip Council

Pagato nei tempi!

Date: 10/16/2012 3:34 PM
Batch: 114867369
From Account: U3267371 (Moneyland)
Amount: $3.15
Memo: Withdraw to miki perego from Money Land Inc.


admin questo risulta non pagante da un bel po quindi SCAM