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Scommesse Sportive www.mybetwinn.net

Aperto da investorffx, 02 Novembre 2009, 22:26:54

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


tenete ben da conto mybetwinn!!!  ::)
quello che gli altri non dicono, sul guadagno online!


Terzo pagamento ricevuto!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Finito primo ciclo di 29 giorni...mi ha pagato in meno di 12 ore!!!Appena posso posto il pagamento... O0


Ho richiesto un pagamento quasi 3 giorni fa e ancora non sono stato pagato!
Le altre volte mi ha pagato entro 24 ore dalla richiesta...

Effettivamente sono andato a controllare i monitor e lo danno WAITING/PROBLEM/CLOSED.

EDIT: Ehm... mi era sfuggita la news de 21 dicembre scorso!!

CitazioneDear Partners,

Due the blocking of several of our accounts by our bookmakers.
we have decided to introduce the new plans in order to save our
company and your investments. From today 22 December 2009, the
new plans are in effect. (Attention! members that have active plans
prior to this date, will be automatically transferred to the new plans!)
Those who have funds on there balance, can either reinvest the funds,
or wait for there turn, as we will process these
requests one by one, this will take us no longer
than 1 month.


Plan A - $50.00- $499.00 - (40 days investment period- paying 5% weekly).
without compound option! The principal is returned in the end of the plan.

Plan B - $500.00- $4999.00 - (60 days investment period- paying 7% weekly).
without compound option! The principal is returned in the end of the plan.

Plan C - $5000.00 - $15000.00 - (90 days investment period- paying 10% weekly).
With Compound Option! The principal is returned in the end of the plan.

Yours Faithfully,
MyBetWinn Team.

1. If you have money already on your balance, your turn will come, and you will recieve payout
within a month.

2. If you have release deposit, than from today its already automatically reinvested according to your plan,
and will finish in 40 days,60 day or 90 days.

3. If you have active deposit, than it will continue from today, again acording to new plans percent, and will start
like you made a deposit today. will finish in 40 days, 60 days, 90 days.

Aspettiamo e vediamo che succede...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


puoi considerarli persi..purtroppo...come i miei.. :'(


Citazione di: fibra85 il 08 Gennaio 2010, 21:06:03
puoi considerarli persi..purtroppo...come i miei.. :'(

...infatti... il sito non si apre!
Sposto in scam...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
