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New GNI Project - Gruppo Investitori

topic provvisorio di pubblica utilità

Aperto da DaemonMX, 04 Aprile 2010, 23:44:55

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Come forse saprete se siete stati utenti GNI, quest'ultima "società" ci ha lasciati dopo mesi e mesi di profitti record. Ora teoricamente stanno provvedendo a risarcire chiunque non sia andato in profitto durante gli anni di durata (ovvero gli ultmi investitori), ed hanno mandato una mail nella quale annunciavano la futura apertura di un programma d'investimento privato ad accesso "limitato".

Le condizioni base sono semplici, anche se ancora non si conoscono i dettagli precisi, le percentuali di rendita, la durata dei programmi ecc, (ho aperto un ticket per conoscere tutti i dettagli al più presto):

Quote di iscrizione a cifre ALTE per il nostro normale mercato, ovvero 1000$ a lotto, con acquisto minimo di 1 lotto per l'appunto.

Qui su MoneyWantersForum ci stiamo organizzando per raccogliere fondi ed essere pronti per provare quest'avventura in gruppo, visto che GNI nel passato è stata una delle poche storiche HYIP che ha fruttato ad alcune persone capitali impressionanti (i lungimiranti che hanno investito ANNI fa, per capirci).

Le regole del nostro gruppo sono semplici, anche se sono ancora da definire i gestori ufficiali (ruolo per il quale mi sono proposto, aspetto che voi mi confermiate, o scegliate un altro "investitore") e alcune altre regole come la creazione di un conto LR/PM dedicato al quale almeno 2 Admin fidati del gruppo abbiano pieno accesso (Io e Smartmouse?), le tempistiche di investimento, ecc ecc:

- Le quote minime sono di 100$.
- Si possono acquistare più quote da 100$ ciascuna.
- La ripartizione degli utili si avrà in concomitanza con ciascun ritiro.

*) Per quanto riguarda il primo investimento, se si dovesse attivare il tutto, penso che si potrebbe partire con 1000$, con un gruppo di pionieri "rischiosi", salvo poi creare nuovi investimenti e quant'altro, se il progetto proseguisse, con capitali più ingenti e così via.

NB. A votazione di maggioranza si potrà decidere se un determinato "mese o periodo" non ritirare e reinvestire gli utili e quant'altro, ma sarà solamente questione di organizzazzione successiva all'attuazione reale del progetto.

PS. L'attuazione del progetto di gruppo, per quel che mi riguarda, ed è solo una mia opinione personale, avverrà solo se ogni persona sarà risarcita da GNI, così da poter iniziare una nuova avventura su basi di "lealtà" e senza debiti col passato. Sarebbe un gesto non da poco, che ci garantirebbe o quasi una certa sicurezza nei confronti delle persone che gestiranno il nostro denaro. Chissà..

Al momento gli utenti confermati sono:

DaemonMX 100$
Smartmouse 200$


DaemonMX entro un paio di giorni dovresti ricevere risposta al ticket. Hai letto l'ultima newsletter?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Al momento tutto tace da GNI, nuova o vecchia che sia. Nessun contatto per via del ticket di informazioni, nessun rimborso pervenuto. Si aspetta, che altro fare..


Per dovere di cronaca, pubblico la mail che ho ricevuto in data 7 Maggio, come aggiornamento sul futuro progetto di GNI. Alla luce di quanto richiesto (leggetevela, è un esercizio di inglese costruttivo) io me ne tiro fuori con effetto immediato.

In this issue, we will be discussing:

1. The current progress towards launching our first LLC

2. Client selection for participation in the first launch(es) of the first and possibly second LLC

***NEW INFORMATION*** Elimination of Global Digital Pay as a viable E-Currency with AU

3. Method of Share Purchase in AU and Supporting Reasons

4. Redemption of Dividends (The Debit Card)

5. Dividend Payout Rate

6. Leaving AU (Transferring and / or Redemption of your AU shares)

7. What Happens in the Event an Interested Party is / was Not Selected for this First Cycle.

Greetings Ladies & Gentlemen:

Program Progress
Welcome to the first update of Arbsunlimited (AU) moving to the launch of arbsONE LLC (and, perhaps arbsTWO LLC) scheduled to be in trade June 15, 2010. Those shares in trade will receive their 1st. quarterly dividend on September 15th.

Dividends will be paid within ten (10) business days. As should be obvious, this program resulted from extensive planning, extensive expenditure of resources and our determined effort to provide to you, a superior product.

Selection of New Shareholders
We will accept applications for this first round's LLC(s) until 0800 (GMT) Saturday, May 8th, 2010. If selected, notification will be made during this upcoming weekend (Before 0800 (GMT) Monday, May 10th) via email. This e-mail will contain instructions directing your payment, equal to 10% of the cost of shares, to be made within 10 business days (14 calendar days).

If payment is not made within 14 days, count on removal from the current list of viable applicants.

Within three weeks, payment for the remaining 90% will be expected. If a participant defaults on this obligation, their 10% down payment will be forfeited. There can be NO exceptions.

If your commitment to purchase was predicated on your GNI refund, you did so in contravention to our clearly stated position - AU and GNI are, in NO FASHION, related or connected. Subjecting your share purchase to the receipt of your GNI refund violates our stated admonition and ask that it not be done again. It subjects AU to certain legal issues and will jeopardize your opportunity to participate.

Global Digital Pay (GDP) is no longer a viable e-currency for share purchase within the AU family. Liberty Reserve will be the ONLY e-currency used for share purchases.

Purchase of Shares
Our selection of Liberty Reserve as the soul funding source troubles some potential participants.

We understand your trepidation but are convinced, using common sense, much if not all risk using Liberty Reserve can be mitigated if not removed completely. Further, we have made arrangements with Swapgold for a reduction in fees, up to a full 1% for wire transfer, who will transfer these funds directly to our Liberty Reserve account precluding one from having to open their own Liberty Reserve account. Those of you who would like assistance with this, forward an AU support ticket at arbsunlimited.com/support/

We will have the instructions in going about obtaining this discount in the upcoming email (see Selection of New Shareholders).

Redemption of Dividends
This is one of several attractive features of our program. We have negotiated (though not yet signed the contract) with a debit Mastercard provider. Some of these features include:

1. Unlimited Monthly Load limit
2. A $10,000 daily load limit
3. A $2500 per transaction (600.00 ATM) limit, however, this can be replicated up to four times daily
4. Loading the debit card will be a function of the shareholder's movement of funds from his AU dividend balance to his debit card. No more waiting on us or others to load your debit card
5. Yes, there are fees (!!)

Because we have yet to finalize our agreement, we are precluded from disclosing the Debit Card Provider. (It will NOT be Globe Wallet)

Dividend Payout Rate
We are receiving many questions which address the rate of dividend? The prospectus states "the dividend rate will be in the area as GNI before any reorganization activities....."

Asking for additional clarification has the potential to put the AU Management Company in a position of working at a level which is not consistent with Good Faith Business Practices, something we don't want to do, EVER. Therefore, there will be NO further comment beyond what was stated in the prospectus, NO exceptions.

Divesture of AU Shares
We received questions from individuals identifying our failure to outline a comprehensive plan for those wishing to divorce themselves and their shares (which they have not received!!!) from AU. Because this is a Private Offering I would like to say a few words. We have an exit procedure to be shared with those who become share-holders. It's cost will be 5% of the share(s) value and will apply whether the shares are transferred to another party (subject to remittance of KYC documentation and approval) or remitted back to the Management Company.

To those whose overwhelming concern is an exit strategy we ask that you NOT participate.

What Happens if I'm Not Selected to Participate
The business of business never ceases. We are mulling over time-frames, cycle and criteria for review and acceptance of new share-holders into our program. Whether this is done on a monthly, quarterly, or arbitrarily basis we haven't decided. Rest assured, there will be on-going enrollment periods. As the program matures, all these issues will be clarified.

We do know our priorities include our share-holders, their needs and the overall success of the plan.

We hope this satisfies those who had questions. Have a good weekend and be looking for our email.

With best regards,

Robert Spearman
Arbsunlimited Management LLC


Insistono, e devo essere sincero, non l'ho nemmeno letto:


Agenda Items:

1. Closure of Applications - Cycle 1
2. Important Dates
3. Correction in the Auto-Response E-Mail

1. Closing Date for Entry into the First Cycle

The final date for the receipt of applications into "Cycle 1" is Monday, May 17th, 2010 - 0800 (GMT). If you have an interest in participation in the first cycle, but have not submitted an application, you must and it needs to be time stamped by 0800 GMT, else you will not be considered. No exceptions (this is an extension of time). You can submit your application at arbsunlimited.com

2. Important Dates for the First Cycle

We are approaching the closure of entry into the first cycle. The following depicts the upcoming date(s) critical to those interested in participating in Cycle 1:

a. Monday, May 17, 2010 (0800 - GMT). See above (#1). Any application received after this date and time will be rejected out of hand.

b. Monday, May 24, 2010 (0800 - GMT). All down payments (10% of the total share purchase price) are due and should have been paid. Payments beyond this date will NOT be accepted.

c. Tuesday, June 15, 2010 (0800 - GMT). Three weeks and one day after the deposit must be received. This date triggers the following activities:

1. All payments (in full) should now have been made, and received by AU. Note: Please note that once you are transferring the balance of the share purchase price, you'll need to fill out the form at arbsunlimited.com/form/view.php again, to notify us about your final payment.

2. Failure to comply with the clause requiring full payment by this announced deadline will result in the forfeiture of the deposit made.

3. Funds from ALL LLCs will be placed into a Trust by the Management Company for the traders to access and begin the generation of profits.

4. Shareholders will be given access to a heretofore unannounced website which contains the financial platform from which you will order your debit card, receive your dividends, load your Mastercard and perform other financial associated transactions. It is here where you will be compelled to provide the necessary Know Your Client (KYC) documentation. While your privacy will be our primary concern, you must, as a condition of share purchase and dividend receipt, provide Government Issued Driver License, Passport or other identification PLUS proof of residence, in form of a utility or telephone bill.

3. Correction in the Auto-Response E-Mail

An anomaly was identified in the response email whereby the instructions asked you, the new share-holder Applicant, to include your LR batch number in the memo field. Needless to say, it's not possible to include the batch number before the transaction was processed..

This was an obvious error. If it caused consternation, it should have been dealt with opening a support ticket at our support desk: arbsunlimited.com/support/

Despite our pleading, admonishment, Non-Disclosure Agreement and common sense, one of your fellow potential share-holders felt compelled to make this an issue on the GNI forum.

This, folks is a violation of everything we stand for, most of all, trust. With this program, if you are confused, can't find an answer, don't know where to turn, you go anywhere but public with your issue. If it means you cannot invest in this cycle, then you don't invest.

Placing the good of yourself, over that of the program will NOT be tolerated. There is no viable excuse for this. DO NOT POST ANYTHING RELATED TO ARBSUNLIMITED IN ANY FORUM, E-MAIL, OR CHAT.

Next time this happens, the culpable party will find them removed from this program; no questions asked, nor explanation heard..

We thank all of you for your tremendous support, interest and participation in AU. So long as we are all paying attention to what it is we want to accomplish - we will go far.

Take care and best regards,

Robert Spearman
Managing Director
Arbsunlimited Management LLC


Oggi ho ricevuto questa email:

CitazioneGreetings To All GNI Friends & Participants:

It has been two weeks since I last communicated with all of you. While it may seem I'm conspicuously absent; rest assured,
I'm around, watching and speaking with those whom it is necessary to conduct present and future business obligations and opportunities.

The New GNI Program :


This is a very serious program and will require extensive effort on our end, please keep this in mind when making decisions.
Those of you who are interested  please visit :  http://wwww.forex-profit-share.com/

It has come to our attention that's member received email warning about this new GNI program.

It's real from GNI ?
Yes, in fact we are start paying our members, below is few of payment prove to our member.. :

to verify this transfer go to : https://www.libertyreserve.com/en/services/transfer/index.aspx

Date       5/29/2010 12:49
Batch     38879779
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U9120136 (Poppy)
Amount     $3.75
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 13:50
Batch     38882536
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U3455522 (Spider Man)
Amount     $261.00
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:50
Batch     38879931
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U8407992 (Richard Parkin)
Amount     $7.50
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:51
Batch     38880061
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U4885438 (sparkasse)
Amount     $3.90
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:52
Batch     38880171
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U1506245 (Douglas Poole)
Amount     $4.80
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:52
Batch     38880275
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U7449839 (Attila Szucs)
Amount     $4.50
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:54
Batch     38880484
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U6868255 (libertylong)
Amount     $6.00
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:54
Batch     38880564
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U0656992 (Gemini Resources)
Amount     $26.02
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:55
Batch     38880580
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U6025388 (oherring)
Amount     $7.50
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 12:55
Batch     38880606
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U5831139 (Nikolaus Knozer)
Amount     $19.50
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 13:45
Batch     38882364
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U3242488 (BMW 2010)
Amount     $503.00
Memo     Forex-Profit-Share.com , Aggresive Fund , Weekly #1

Date       5/29/2010 13:48
Batch     38882472
From     U4629306 (Forex-Profit-Share.com)
To     U9159493 (Lucky Chucky)
Amount     $750.00

and more............

Have a good weekend and be looking for our email.

With best regards,

Robert Spearman
Forex-Profit-Share.com LLC

E' chiaramente un fake no? Quelli di GNI non hanno mai parlato di forex...

EDIT: Ho ricevuto la stessa email anche su un altro indirizzo di posta...
Il bello è che entrambi gli indirizzi erano registrati su GNI! :o
Quindi o qualcuno è riuscito ad avere il database di GNI oppure lo stesso Robert ha creato uno scammone esagerato! :knuppel2:
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Sono stati creati SCAMMONI basandosi solo sul nome di questo Robert Spearman. Qui vediamo due programmi, firmati apparentemente dalla stessa persona, di cui uno potenzialmente sembra essere la prosecuzione naturale di GNI (ArbUnlimited) mentre l'altro non ha proprio nulla a che vedere con esso. Che dire, non se ne esce più. Non a caso avevo inizialmente imposto la clausola di attesa del rimborso prima di partire con un nuovo eventuale progetto, volevo che tutti i debiti, per serietà, fossero azzerati con gli utenti. Così non è stato, e quindi noi ci giriamo sui tacchi e guardiamo oltre, anche se in questo momento, meglio chiudere gli occhi e riposare..