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NextGenSurf - 2% per 100 giorni

Aperto da BaroneQ, 16 Febbraio 2007, 13:07:17

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Si anche il mio account e' fermo al 20 agosto,speriamo baroneq ci illumini  :angel:


Citazione di: Ezzrssi il 26 Agosto 2007, 19:10:53
Si anche il mio account e' fermo al 20 agosto,speriamo baroneq ci illumini  :angel:

Ecco le novità, che riguardano i tre siti di Tony:

CitazioneOk Everyone,

This is going to be a very important update that involves all our
sites. So, please read it all carefully.

I've been evaluating all our programs the past couple weeks and have
seen a number of things I don't like and that are starting to
seriously hurt our programs. I'll list some of the issues now.

1)New signups are at an all time low and even if we do get a new
signup, most never make a purchase.
2)Members not making new purchases. I'm seeing a good number of
members taking their profits and running. Some have made very good
profits from our sites and have decided to move on or simply get out
of the industry.
3)Complaints and problem members. I'm getting way to many emails
from Members that constantly complain when they haven't received
their rebates in a couple of days or so or complain about other small

Our intention was to go all private by September, but we would need a
very good solid member base with a regular routine of purchases to
make this happen. I can see now that this is not going to happen.

There are some other things that are going on as well that is making me
have to make drastic changes to our programs.

1)There have been several larger programs in our industry that have
shut down recently. Luckily we don't put much of the funds we get
into other programs, but each time a program closes it does effect us
and all other programs.

2)Our outside investments are not doing as well as we would like and
some things we simply can't get involved with now because they
require a minimum amount of funds.

3) Work load. Between working my regular job and working on all the
sites, paying rebates, and everything else It's becoming simply to
much to keep up with. I'm to the point that I'm physically and
mentally exhausted.
I really need to cut back on my work load so I can spend more time with
my family.


So, with all that said, I have decided to stop accepting new purchases
in all our programs and take all the sites down. All accounts will be
moved into a new private membership site that requires no surfing.

Before taking the sites down I will be going over each members account
and transferring each member to the private membership site I am in
the process of setting up. The private membership site will list any
amount you are owed to get you back at a break even point.

I'll also be looking at adding another amount in each members
account so that each member can earn on to make addtional profits.

To clear things up. We are not closing down, we are just restructuring
our entire program and moving everything into a more simple site that
will make things easier to manage.

I am working on accounts now and on the membership site. It will take
us most of the week to completely move everyone over.

Rebates will still be going out starting on Monday, but they will be
going out in the order to members that are not in profit first. Once
all those Members are at a break even point we will then start paying
rebates out to all members at a regular basis.

I do ask that everyone not email me with questions at this time. Most
likely it will not be seen and answered. I'm setting up a new
email address now and will send this new email address and link to the
private site to each member as I move your account over. So, please
wait until you get the private email address before asking questions.
I will be moving accounts over each day until they are done.

I am sorry to have to make such drastic changes with little notice but
it needs to be done this way. No one will loose any money in our
programs as long as we get complete cooperation from everyone.

Keep on the lookout for regular updates.

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


oh bene, stamattina ho ricevuto il pagamento del pending del 12 agosto  :)

intanto questa è l'ultima e-mail di tony
"Just a quick update with what's going on.
The programmer is working on getting the new site setup so that I can move the accounts
over to it. Hopefully, he will have it complete sometime tomorrow and then I will begin
moving accounts over.
When your account is moved over you will get an email with the site address.

I'll send another update out tomorrow.



Buongiorno a tutti!

Sono rientrato dopo un brevissimo periodo di ferie, giusto per trovare questi strani messaggi di Tony...  :-\
Lo contatto immediatamente e cerco di capire quale sia la reale entità di ciò che ha scritto, nonchè le conseguenze.
Ci aggiorniamo in questi giorni, io continuo a surfare e ho richiesto un ulteriore pagamento.
Buona giornata!


Pagato ultimo pagamento in pending:
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



io qui invece sono ancora in pending dal 20 agosto.
Visti i lavori in corso aspetto per qualche giorno, poi magari provo a scrivergli...


9/3/2007  Transfer received from  NextGenSurf
alertpay @ nextgensurf.com  Completed  $3.49 USD  $1.00 USD   :)


ciao, è ancora valido come autosurf? posso investire ora? che e-money accetta? GRazieeeee


Citazione di: lemming78 il 04 Settembre 2007, 10:39:19
ciao, è ancora valido come autosurf? posso investire ora? che e-money accetta? GRazieeeee

Per il momento credo abbia fermato i depositi


Ho ricevuto un conguaglio di 39$ (l'equivalente del mi pending) sul nuovo sito, PaydayMembers.com.
Vi consiglio, qualora non l'aveste già fatto, di aprire immediatamente un account su PDM, possibilmente utilizzando lo stesso username e la stessa mail che utilizzate in NGS e/o PDC.
Vedremo poi in cosa consiste il nuovo sito...


Citazione di: BaroneQ il 04 Settembre 2007, 11:55:06
Ho ricevuto un conguaglio di 39$ (l'equivalente del mi pending) sul nuovo sito, PaydayMembers.com.
Vi consiglio, qualora non l'aveste già fatto, di aprire immediatamente un account su PDM, possibilmente utilizzando lo stesso username e la stessa mail che utilizzate in NGS e/o PDC.
Vedremo poi in cosa consiste il nuovo sito...

Allora se sbaglio me lo dite,nextgen bisogna ritenerlo chiuso e spostarlo fra i chiusi oppure no? rimarra' a numero chiuso appunto per i vecchi iscritti?


Da qualche giorno il sito ha ripreso ad accreditarmi i guadagni del mio upgrade (70$).
Precisamente dall'11 settembre...
Forse il sito resta aperto fin quando non scadono gli upgrade di tutti gli utenti, ad ogni modo adesso i pagamenti vengono spostati su PayDayMembers, anzichè essere pagati...

Non vedo perchè Tony dovrebbe lasciar aperto NGS, da quanto si è capito vuole ridurre i suoi siti ad uno solo, per semplificare la gestione degli utenti e degli investimenti.

BaroneQ dove sei? :'(
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
