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Nextgensurf - 3% per 60 giorni ROI del 180%

Aperto da whrestian, 26 Ottobre 2006, 20:48:23

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Fantastico nuova società ad investimento dallo stesso Wm di Paydaysurfer quindi un sinonimo di fiducia assoluta.
Tra le cose migliori di questa società oltre al classico guadagno che è del 3% giornaliero per 60 giorni prevede:
- una sezione PTC che paga 0,02 $ al giorno (non molto ma per essere una società appena nata non mi sembra per niente male);
- il 5% di guadagno sulle persone che fate iscrivere (anche se non avete investito nella società);
- il 6% di guadagno sulle persone che fate iscrivere (solo se avete investito nella società).

Investimento minimo di 10$ e massimo di 1500$.Possibilità di richiedere il payout 3 volte al mese per chi ha almeno 10$ nel proprio bilancio il 10, 20 e 30 di ogni mese.
Gli upgrade possono essere fatti, per ora, solo con E-Gold e Alertpay anche se a breve aprirà anche altre monete. Come per tutte le società ad investimento si può incassare solo con la moneta con la quale si è fatto l'upgrade.
Chi si volesse cimentare vi lascio il link  http://www.nextgensurf.com/?ref=85


Per adesso mi sono iscritto... sotto di te ;)

Poi vedrò se investire o meno :P

L'autosurf sembra lungimirante... speriamo bene! Sono contento di vedere un autosurf di vecchio stampo :)
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



Il sito purtroppo chiude. Riporto l'email dell'admin:

CitazioneSorry for the delay in updates, but it's important that you read
the entire contents of this email.

After very much thinking about the future of this site over the past
week, I have decided to close NextGenSurf.com down for good.

There are a number of reasons for this:
1)We are getting almost no new members to the site, and the ones we do
aren't purchasing Ad-Packs.
2)Repurchase of Ad-Packs are very low.
3)The costs of running this site are not being covered.

Another major factor is that I am going to have to move/relocate to be
closer to a family member that has cancer. This is the number one
reason I have decided to close the site. This alone is enough stress
and having to relocate is going to take enough time in itself.

I have tried very hard to make the site work since we moved everyone
over from PayDaySurfer. I've listed us in Monitor Sites, in the
major Forums,
put banner ads up, listed the site all over, etc... Being that we are a
low percentage site, it's hard to get members when there are
plenty of higher paying sites now. Plus, being that we went through a
lot of bumps with PayDaySurfer, it's been hard to regain the
confidence in old members. So, I think it's just time to stop
before things get to out of control.

Obviously I want to try and make this closure as smooth as possible and
make sure no one loses any money at all. So, what I am going to do is
go thru the entire user database, make a list, and post it on the site
and in the PayDaySurfer Forums. I will list Members by their Account
Number and it will simply state if you are owed. If you are owed, it
will state how much you are owed to break even.

At this point I am only concerned with making sure everyone has at
least broken even. I'm not sure how long it will take to do the
refunds, but I'm pretty confident that everyone that is on
NextGenSurf now can be done before the end of the year if not sooner.
We do want to have all done by the end of the year so we can close our
books out properly.

What do you need to do now?
1)You do not have to do any more surfing. Surfing will be disabled.

2)If you have any funds in your Account Balance, go ahead and make a
Payout Request so that we have your Payout Info on record. Keep in
mind that you may not necessarily get paid this amount. If you are
even or in profit, you will not get paid at this time. This goes for
any pending Payout requests that have not been paid as well.

3)Check back on the site or in the PayDaySurfer.com Forums for the
Refund List to see how much you are owed. We will have this list
completed by the end of the weekend.

4)We will be taking the NextGenSurf.com Site down once we get all the
numbers we need. This will save us from have to pay any new hosting
costs, etc. This money will be going toward refunds instead.

5)Once we make our Refund List we will contact everyone again. We will
then have a better idea on how the refunds will go.

I do want to thank everyone who has supported us during all of the ups
and downs we have had along the way. I've had lots of fun and
really enjoyed communicating back and forth with many of you. It was
really a hard decision in deciding to close the site down. But, I do
feel it is the right choice at this time. It will definitely take a
lot of stress off me and give me more time to focus on more important
things at this time.
We will close the site down gracefully and refund everyone any money
due. We will not just run off like so many others have in the past.

Thanks and be on the look out for more updates or email me if you have
any questions....

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
