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Aperto da BaroneQ, 27 Aprile 2007, 11:15:42

0 Utenti e 3 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Per la cronaca... ^-^
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Grande Smart!
Io ho smesso di surfare e di investire con Tony, non lo farò più finchè non si deciderà a rispondermi.
Come l'ho sempre sponsorizzato prima, ora, a tutela di tutti, vi metto in guardia sulla sua pseudo-sparizione...
Io incasso tutto quello che posso e continuo a cercare di contattarlo via ticket-system, visto che non risponde più alle mail.
Se qualcuno di voi ha ricevuto una risposta via ticket mi faccia sapere.
Buona domenica!


Citazione di: BaroneQ il 23 Settembre 2007, 15:15:31
Se qualcuno di voi ha ricevuto una risposta via ticket mi faccia sapere.
Buona domenica!

Io ho ricevuto risposta al ticket di richiesta pagamento per PayDayMembers.com.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Pare che quei ticket li consideri.
Non capisco però perchè mi abbia completamente tagliato fuori...
Vi terrò aggiornati, grazie Smart.


Avete letto le novità nella homepage? In particolare leggete l'ultima parte! :buck2:

Citazione"Brand New For October 2007 "An Advertising/Paid-to-Surf/Revenue Sharing/Traffic Exchange With A Unique Twist"!"

Advertise Your Product, Program, Opportunity, or Website and earn an unlimited amount back on your Advertising Dollars Spent!


PayDayClix.com is a very unique Advertising/Paid-to-Surf/Traffic Exchange Program that was designed not only to give you multiple avenues to advertise, but to also give you a way to earn a steady income along the way. We have taken some of the best features of this Industry and created a program around a Traffic Exchange. This is a one of a kind program and you want find anything out there like it.

Let's get straight in and waste no time. This is how earn Money from our Program:

Join our Program and purchase an Advertising License of $25 or more.
Add your URLs(Website Addresses) that you wish to Advertise.
Login daily and surf to earn more credits. Surfing is completely optional and not a requirement!
Your account will be credited everytime that we receive a payment from one of our sources of income.
Once you have decided that you have enough "earned cash" in your account you may request a payout for that full amount.

Your Advertising License will end when make a request for payout.

Is that it? What's the catch? How does it work?
Your Advertising License will end when you make a request for payout. But, the amount you earn on your License purchase is completely up to you! When we receive payments from one of our many sources of income we will divide it up between the number of active Advertising Licenses we have at the time. This money will be credited to your "earned cash". When you are comfortable with the amount you have in your "earned cash" you may then request a payout for the full amount. Your Advertising License will end and you will receive your payout within 5- 7 Business Days. If you want to Join the Program again and make more money, all you have to do is buy a new Advertising License. That's all there is to it!

How much do I earn daily?
The amount you earn will vary and we may not credit your earnings daily. Earnings may be credited daily, every other day, or even on a weekly basis. Remember, we only credit your earnings when we get paid! Almost all the money we receive from Advertising License purchases is put into other offline and online money making programs. We put this money into many programs and the amount we earn varies from program to program. But, as we get paid from each program that money is credited to your account. There will be times you will earn very quickly and there may be times that earnings slow down.

What are the risks of me losing all of my Advertising License purchase?
We are an Advertising Site and this is what you are buying! Money credited to your "earned cash" is a bonus or perk and is not guaranteed. We do belong to a number of offline and online money making programs and the odds of all these programs failing at the same time is pretty slim. We also do our best to move as much of the funds we have earned into safe places so that we can issue payouts that are requested.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Almeno non ha tirato fuori le solite bugie

Citazione di: smartmouse il 06 Ottobre 2007, 19:04:30
Avete letto le novità nella homepage? In particolare leggete l'ultima parte! :buck2:

Citazione"Brand New For October 2007 "An Advertising/Paid-to-Surf/Revenue Sharing/Traffic Exchange With A Unique Twist"!"

Advertise Your Product, Program, Opportunity, or Website and earn an unlimited amount back on your Advertising Dollars Spent!


PayDayClix.com is a very unique Advertising/Paid-to-Surf/Traffic Exchange Program that was designed not only to give you multiple avenues to advertise, but to also give you a way to earn a steady income along the way. We have taken some of the best features of this Industry and created a program around a Traffic Exchange. This is a one of a kind program and you want find anything out there like it.

Let's get straight in and waste no time. This is how earn Money from our Program:

Join our Program and purchase an Advertising License of $25 or more.
Add your URLs(Website Addresses) that you wish to Advertise.
Login daily and surf to earn more credits. Surfing is completely optional and not a requirement!
Your account will be credited everytime that we receive a payment from one of our sources of income.
Once you have decided that you have enough "earned cash" in your account you may request a payout for that full amount.

Your Advertising License will end when make a request for payout.

Is that it? What's the catch? How does it work?
Your Advertising License will end when you make a request for payout. But, the amount you earn on your License purchase is completely up to you! When we receive payments from one of our many sources of income we will divide it up between the number of active Advertising Licenses we have at the time. This money will be credited to your "earned cash". When you are comfortable with the amount you have in your "earned cash" you may then request a payout for the full amount. Your Advertising License will end and you will receive your payout within 5- 7 Business Days. If you want to Join the Program again and make more money, all you have to do is buy a new Advertising License. That's all there is to it!

How much do I earn daily?
The amount you earn will vary and we may not credit your earnings daily. Earnings may be credited daily, every other day, or even on a weekly basis. Remember, we only credit your earnings when we get paid! Almost all the money we receive from Advertising License purchases is put into other offline and online money making programs. We put this money into many programs and the amount we earn varies from program to program. But, as we get paid from each program that money is credited to your account. There will be times you will earn very quickly and there may be times that earnings slow down.

What are the risks of me losing all of my Advertising License purchase?
We are an Advertising Site and this is what you are buying! Money credited to your "earned cash" is a bonus or perk and is not guaranteed. We do belong to a number of offline and online money making programs and the odds of all these programs failing at the same time is pretty slim. We also do our best to move as much of the funds we have earned into safe places so that we can issue payouts that are requested.


Ecco l'email di Tony:

CitazioneOk, this is going to be a pretty good update. So, be sure to read it

Terms Revised
We have decided on the new direction we want to take PayDayClix in. We
have completely revised the terms of the site and made the program
much easier to use and understand. We also feel the new terms are much
safer and they will also allow you to pretty much earn whatever you
like. Go to the main page of the site and it will explain in detail
how the program works now. It's basically a type of Revenue
Sharing program with some nice changes to it. I think many of you will
like it. Signups are now enabled again on the site for new members and
members can start making purchases right away. We are only accepting
AlertPay and SolidTrust Pay at this time.

Previous Balances in your account
There were some members that still had balances in your account. If you
did have a balance in your account it will be transferred over to
NextGenSurf. Give us a couple days to get those added to your account
at NextGenSurf. We had to make sure everything was clear in order to
start this program off properly. Also note, we can not use any of your
previous balances to make a purchase in this new program. Any previous
balances will be put in NextGenSurf.

Missing Ad-Packs
Most of the missing Ad-Packs that some of you were due in NextGenSurf
have been added over there. We have about a handfull left and then
they will be complete. Make sure you check over there and do your
surfing to earn your rebates on them.

Surfing Credits
There are many members with lots of surfing credits in your accounts.
Be sure to assign those credits to sites you want to promote.

Support Tickets
We have answered most of the pending support tickets for PayDayClix. If
you weren't answered, please submit another ticket. Many of the
tickets were closed if they were old or your questions were answered
in another update.

Thats about it for now. I do hope to see many of you make a purchase in
our new program. Many of you made out very well with the old
PayDayClix terms and I have no doubt you can do the same with the new
terms. If you have a question about the new terms of the site, feel
free to ask.

Take care.... Tony

In breve:
Ha confermato quello che è comparso nella home del sito.
I guadagni non riscossi presenti in alcuni account (come il mio) saranno trasferiti sugli account di NextGenSurf entro un paio di giorni.
Infine ha ripreso a rispondere ai ticket ed invita gli utenti (come BaroneQ :P) che non hanno avuto risposta finora, ad aprire un nuovo ticket.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Nonostante il trasferimento del cash balance da PDC a NGS per dar vita al nuovo PayDayClix con le nuove regole (da me sopra riportate), Tony è tornato sui suoi passi, anzi ha fatto una passo avanti e due indietro, come lui stesso ha dichiarato nella sua ultima email!

Il sito verrà chiuso! Insieme a NextGenSurf e PayDayPrivate. Chi ha perso verrà rimborsato...

CitazioneHello Everyone,

This is going to be a hard email to send and many of you aren't
going to like it.
As many of you know I've been trying very hard to get our sites
back going again.
We have continued to make payouts despite the fact that we've taken
in almost no
money for the past couple months. Only just a week or so ago have we
started to
see new funds, but the amount of new funds coming in simply isn't
enough. We
also have the issue of negative votes and a lot of negative stuff in
the forums against
all of our sites. The worst part about this is that most of the
complaints are from members
with the least amount of funds in our programs. I've even seen
complaints from members that
are well into profit from our programs. I feel we are basically just
spinning our wheels.
We take one step forward and two steps back.

I'm also still having issues with devoting enough time to the
sites. I do have extra help
I can rely on now, but it's not helping much at this time. Majority
of the questions are payment
related or stuff dealing with account adjustments that I must handle
myself. I'm spinning a lot
of hours at home on the sites and it's really starting to effect my
family life as well. I've got to
free up more time, so I can spend it with my family.

With all that said, I feel the best thing to do at this time is to shut
our 3 main sites down.
NextGenSurf.com, PayDayClix.com, and PayDayPrivate.com will be the ones
that are shut down.
We will continue to keep PayDayMembers.com up and running.

Obviously we are not going to be paying out everything in your
accounts. There is no way we can do this
at this time. So, please don't ask. Everyone knows what they were
getting into by joining our sites. There
was never a guarantee of earnings.

What we will be doing is working on trying to get members paid that
were not in profit.

Since many of you were in more than one of our sites and some used
multiple payment processors, we are going
to need your help in letting us know if you were in profit or not.

How do you know if you were in profit or not? Simply check all your
payment processors and add up all the purchases
you made on our sites. Then add up all the payments you received from
our sites. If you received more than you
paid then you will not be paid anything else.

If you paid us more than you received back, then this is the amount we
will try to issue back in rebates.
If you are due any rebates, you will need to contact us at
paydaymembers.com. When you contact us, we
will need the amount you think you are owed back in rebates and also
how you paid us. Please give us the payment processor
you used and your user ID of that payment processor. The more info you
give us, the better.
I know this will be a little bit of a pain to do, but it would take us
much longer to find this out than you doing it
yourself. We will be verifying everything, so please don't try to
make stuff up.
Once we verify you have a rebate coming we will then put that in your
PayDayMembers account and start doing rebates from
there as we get funds in to do so with. If you don't have a
PayDayMembers.com account yet, you will need to start one.

I know some of you want be happy with us shutting the sites down, but
we feel it's the best thing to do at this time.
We will still be trying to make sure no one loses in our programs. But,
we do need your help in making sure you are added to
the list of members that need rebates. So, if you are owed any rebates
and not in profit, contact us at PayDayMembers.com and we
will get you taken care of.

Anyway, sorry it had to end this way. But, we could just up and
disappear just like so many sites have in the past,
but I simply want do that. Members that are owed will get paid one way
or another.

If you need to contact me, you will need to do it at PayDayMembers.com
in the future.

I've enjoyed working with many of you and thank you for all the
support that you have given.

Thanks... Tony
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Tony di nuovo su i suoi passi:

CitazioneHello Everyone,

In my last email I sent out, I stated that I was going to shut all of
our sites down. Well, we have been contacted by a number of
individuals with a number of options that may allow the sites to
remain open.

We have offers ranging from taking over the sites to offers of bringing
on some partners to help keep the sites going.

So, right now we are in the process of putting some information
together for these offers. We are going to look closely at each offer
and make sure we choose the best one for our members.

Please be patient while we get the information together and work threw
the negotiations.

Once we know more, we will send more updates out.

Thanks... Tony

Solo io sto seguendo l'evolversi dei siti di Tony?
A proposito... ma Flavia che fine ha fatto? ???
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


è alle seychelles.. :2funny:, cmq è un pò che nn la si vede in giro


Citazione di: smartmouse il 19 Ottobre 2007, 21:12:46
Solo io sto seguendo l'evolversi dei siti di Tony?
A proposito... ma Flavia che fine ha fatto? ???

Tranquillo, ci sono anch'io!
Alla fine mi ha risposto, ma non l'ho calcolato come lui ha fatto con me per due mesi.
Vi aggiornerò la prox settimana...
Buon weekend!


sposto tra i chiusi in attesa di novita'


Ciao ragazzuoli.
PaydayClix non è chiuso, è tornato pagante.
Si può investire e ripartire, oppure usufruire degli ad-packs reintegrati da Tony.
Pertanto, direi di non spostarlo tra i chiusi, in quanto chiuso non è...


Sicuro che paga di nuovo?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.
