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Aperto da smartmouse, 21 Luglio 2007, 00:42:56

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Nessun upgrade da 15$, tutti gli upgrade devono essere minimo di 51$.
Dovresti essere tranquillamente in grado di surfare col tuo cash balance, continuerai sino a che non avrai meno di 50$ nel tuo account balance al momento della scadenza del tuo ad-pack; in quel momento verrai rimborsato in toto.
Spero di essere stato chiaro, altrimenti fammi sapere.


Citazione di: BaroneQ il 12 Agosto 2007, 22:12:58
Nessun upgrade da 15$, tutti gli upgrade devono essere minimo di 51$.
Dovresti essere tranquillamente in grado di surfare col tuo cash balance, continuerai sino a che non avrai meno di 50$ nel tuo account balance al momento della scadenza del tuo ad-pack; in quel momento verrai rimborsato in toto.
Spero di essere stato chiaro, altrimenti fammi sapere.

Grazie per il chiarimento... ma se intanto volessi fare un nuovo upgrade di 51$, il mio livello diventerebbe 87$ (51 + 36) oppure avrei 2 upgrade distinti?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 13 Agosto 2007, 00:37:12
Grazie per il chiarimento... ma se intanto volessi fare un nuovo upgrade di 51$, il mio livello diventerebbe 87$ (51 + 36) oppure avrei 2 upgrade distinti?

Il tuo livello andrebbe effettivamente a 87$, ma i tuoi ad-packs rimarrebbero distinti.
Il che è un'ottima cosa, in quanto così dev'essere! Quando scadrà l'ad-pack da 36$ scenderai a 51$ e continuerai il tuo ciclo di 12 giorni.
E' possibile avere fino a 15 ad-pack contemporanei!


Ok, tutto chiaro adesso.

PS: io scelgo sempre il piano da 10 giorni :P
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 13 Agosto 2007, 18:07:22
PS: io scelgo sempre il piano da 10 giorni :P

Leggermente meno redditizio ma più veloce, direi che è comunque un'ottima scelta!


Sono al secondo giorno di surf e ancora dice che devo surfare 10 giorni... ???
Di solito l'account viene aggiornato il giorno successivo... ma adesso sono passati 2 giorni...

Cmq ecco la mia situazione attuale, con i 2 upgrade attivi...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


ti ha aggiornato l'account smartmouse?

Io oggi ho ricevuto il secondo pagamento  :)

8/15/2007     Transfer received from     PayDayPrivate
payments@paydayprivate.com    Completed    $25.20 USD    $1.00 USD    $24.20 USD


Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



pagatissima  :D

Date   Type   Name/Email   Status   Gross   Fees   Net
8/31/2007    Transfer received from    PayDayPrivate
payments@paydayprivate.com    Completed    $53.20 USD    $1.00 USD    $52.20 USD

mi rimane in pending solo un payout vecchio del 25 agosto  ;)


Azz, io ho due pagamenti ancora pending dal 23 agosto! :(
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 02 Settembre 2007, 15:16:26
Azz, io ho due pagamenti ancora pending dal 23 agosto! :(

I pending sono stati spostati su PayDayMembers.com, come detto nel topic ad esso relativo.
Questo lo dico giusto per la cronaca. Il motivo per cui ho ripreso questo topic abbandonato è per comunicarvi (nel caso non abbiate letto l'ultima email di Tony) che PayDayPrivate, insieme a PayDayClix e NextGenSurf, verrano presto chiusi dall'admin, per mancanza di tempo.

Riporto l'email:

CitazioneHello Everyone,

This is going to be a hard email to send and many of you aren't
going to like it.
As many of you know I've been trying very hard to get our sites
back going again.
We have continued to make payouts despite the fact that we've taken
in almost no
money for the past couple months. Only just a week or so ago have we
started to
see new funds, but the amount of new funds coming in simply isn't
enough. We
also have the issue of negative votes and a lot of negative stuff in
the forums against
all of our sites. The worst part about this is that most of the
complaints are from members
with the least amount of funds in our programs. I've even seen
complaints from members that
are well into profit from our programs. I feel we are basically just
spinning our wheels.
We take one step forward and two steps back.

I'm also still having issues with devoting enough time to the
sites. I do have extra help
I can rely on now, but it's not helping much at this time. Majority
of the questions are payment
related or stuff dealing with account adjustments that I must handle
myself. I'm spinning a lot
of hours at home on the sites and it's really starting to effect my
family life as well. I've got to
free up more time, so I can spend it with my family.

With all that said, I feel the best thing to do at this time is to shut
our 3 main sites down.
NextGenSurf.com, PayDayClix.com, and PayDayPrivate.com will be the ones
that are shut down.
We will continue to keep PayDayMembers.com up and running.

Obviously we are not going to be paying out everything in your
accounts. There is no way we can do this
at this time. So, please don't ask. Everyone knows what they were
getting into by joining our sites. There
was never a guarantee of earnings.

What we will be doing is working on trying to get members paid that
were not in profit.

Since many of you were in more than one of our sites and some used
multiple payment processors, we are going
to need your help in letting us know if you were in profit or not.

How do you know if you were in profit or not? Simply check all your
payment processors and add up all the purchases
you made on our sites. Then add up all the payments you received from
our sites. If you received more than you
paid then you will not be paid anything else.

If you paid us more than you received back, then this is the amount we
will try to issue back in rebates.
If you are due any rebates, you will need to contact us at
paydaymembers.com. When you contact us, we
will need the amount you think you are owed back in rebates and also
how you paid us. Please give us the payment processor
you used and your user ID of that payment processor. The more info you
give us, the better.
I know this will be a little bit of a pain to do, but it would take us
much longer to find this out than you doing it
yourself. We will be verifying everything, so please don't try to
make stuff up.
Once we verify you have a rebate coming we will then put that in your
PayDayMembers account and start doing rebates from
there as we get funds in to do so with. If you don't have a
PayDayMembers.com account yet, you will need to start one.

I know some of you want be happy with us shutting the sites down, but
we feel it's the best thing to do at this time.
We will still be trying to make sure no one loses in our programs. But,
we do need your help in making sure you are added to
the list of members that need rebates. So, if you are owed any rebates
and not in profit, contact us at PayDayMembers.com and we
will get you taken care of.

Anyway, sorry it had to end this way. But, we could just up and
disappear just like so many sites have in the past,
but I simply want do that. Members that are owed will get paid one way
or another.

If you need to contact me, you will need to do it at PayDayMembers.com
in the future.

I've enjoyed working with many of you and thank you for all the
support that you have given.

Thanks... Tony
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Ho provato a loggarmi dopo diverso tempo e ho trovato un upgrade dell'8 Novembre scorso, di 75$, avente come descrizione "StartAdPack"!

Cosa diavolo ha in mente Tony? Intanto oggi è il secondo giorno che surfo... non si sa mai :P

A qualcuno è successo la stessa cosa?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Hola Smart.
Anche a me è successo, ho avuto news più approfondite da Tony.
Appena avrò un attimo vi farò sapere nel dettaglio...


Citazione di: BaroneQ il 14 Novembre 2007, 14:54:40
Hola Smart.
Anche a me è successo, ho avuto news più approfondite da Tony.
Appena avrò un attimo vi farò sapere nel dettaglio...

Ok, facci sapere!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.