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Aperto da PayDiamond, 29 Maggio 2017, 22:37:25

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Financing the production of a diamond (choice between different cuts) you get a 5% annuity each week (so 20% guaranteed monthly) for 50 weeks. If the user wants to receive the diamond product, in this case will be sent home and the rent will stop at 25 weeks.
NB: The first month after the payment is empty, not due. The 50 weeks start from the 5th week.
DURATION: 50 Weeks (25 if you want to have the diamond)
CUTS (in dollars)
- $ 200 (0.05 carat diamond)
It makes $ 10 a week ($ 40 per month) 50 Pv (points)
Return after 50 weeks: $ 500
- $ 400 (0.1-carat diamond)
It makes $ 20 a week ($ 80 per month) 100 Pv (points)
Return after 50 weeks: $ 1000
- $ 1200 (0.3 carat diamond)
It makes $ 60 a week ($ 8240 per month) 300 Pv (points)
Return after 50 weeks: $ 3000
- $ 3600 (1 carat diamond)
It makes $ 180 a week ($ 720 per month) 1000 Pv (points)
Return after 50 weeks: $ 9,000
- $ 18,000 (5-carat diamond)
It makes $ 900 a week ($ 3600 a month) 5000 Pv (points)
Return after 50 weeks: $ 45,000
This is the link to join
In this video is explained in English how it work
If you need help just contact me here