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Aperto da lello78, 23 Aprile 2007, 12:18:13

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


volevo proporre questo che secondo me è un ottimo programma...

vi spiego brevemente come funziona:

Una volta acquistata l'unità (o anche piu di una) tale unità vale fino a quando nn si raggiunge il 120% del valore di tale unità...
Il sito paga giornalmente con percentuale variabile..oggi ad esempio ci hanno accreditato l'1.7% e per maturare tale percentuale bisogna ,una volta cliccato un preciso linlk che porta ad una pagina in cui ci sono una serie di banner esposti, visualizzare 5 di questi banner..senza aspettare timer. Una sorta di PTC senza Timer..

Io apro la pagina dai banner ..la chiudo ..e ne apro un altra..ci metto davvero pochissimo a fare quello che occorre...
ricordo che occorre aprirne solo 5

la cosa forte di questo sito è la struttura dei ref... 5 livelli!

Downline (per singola unità):
Level 1 = 13.33% ($2)
Level 2 = 6.67% ($1)
Level 3 = 6.67% ($1)
Level 4 = 3.33% ($0.50)
Level 5 = 3.33% ($0.50)

considerando che sul monitor parte di tali ref si possono richiedere..per la storia dell'80% ref com back...per chi fosse interessato..invito a dare un'okkio...
(del resto ormai credo sappiate come funziona il tutto ed evito di rispiegare..nel caso qualcuno ne volesse cmq sapere di piu..sono a disposizione).

Il sito attualmente è pagante..ci ha gia pagati...

questo è il nostro(del monitor) ref link..


buoni Guadagni!
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


due pagamenti ricevuti fon'ora...l'ultimo un'oretta dopo la richiesta...

16:40 Payment Received 79641022 Gold +0.000557 4209xxx 0.39 USD 691.80
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com Merchant Reference #: 1043
Memo: ID.: 1043 :-: Amount: $0.385 :-: Date: 4/22/2007
18:20 Payment Received 79850275 Gold +0.001508 4209xxx 1.03 USD 684.40
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com Merchant Reference #: 1043
Memo: ID.: 1043 :-: Amount: $1.032 :-: Date: 4/26/2007

quindi..sito attualmente PAGANTE
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


 ;D Questo programma mi sembra davvero ottimo, mi ha già pagato 2 volte e paga molto velocemente.
Dal sito:
The perfect home based Income opportunity....

    Your first income is within a minute or two after joining. You do not have to wait 24 hours to receive your first income. It comes to you now, immediately. You can test the strength of SteadyDailyShares.Com within a minute after buying shares. You can also make withdrawal immediately.

    SteadyDailyShares.Com has also been proven as currently the most effective advertisement program to advertisers. Our highly active 2033 members will see your banner and visit your program to see what you have on offer.

    SteadyDailyShares.Com has also been fully primed to enable you generate and receive an income daily. Once you become a member / share holder, you will begin to make money immediately within the next few minutes.

    There are two categories of membership:

    Share Holders


    Free Members

    A member that has a share or several shares in SteadyDailyShares.Com is known as a share holder. Share holders are guaranteed a daily income of between 1.14% and 75% of the total cost of their shares daily, and they also earn massively from referring.


    A member that has no shares. Members in this category will also earn money. Their source of income is through referring.

    A share is valued at $15, and with a single share you are a share holder for 120 days. You can buy as many as 1000 shares or more everyday.

    Within the 120 days you are a share holder, you are guaranteed a return of between 1.14% and 75% of the total cost of your shares daily. Your daily income is not fixed, it fluctuates between 1.14% and as high as 75%. So, you might earn 24% of the cost of your total shares today, and tomorrow receive 42% of the total cost of your shares. This is the reason SteadyDailyShares.Com is a very solid and attractive program.

    With our referral plan, you earn for every active member you referred. This continues 5 levels deep. If any of your downline purchase 1000 shares or more you earn for each of the shares, and this continues 5 levels deep. So referring will enable you to earn greatly without a doubt.

    You can start small and grow gradually. Some people started with just 1 or 2 shares and increase this gradually.

    In any case, you will find SteadyDailyShares.Com interesting. Not just because you are assured a daily income, also because of its honesty. With SteadyDailyShares.Com, there is always money coming to you. SteadyDailyShares.Com has sources of income that makes it possible for there to always be money for you. SteadyDailyShares.Com is self-sustaining. This is one reason there is no fear of it going down.


ed ecco i pagamenti


gia recensito...qui...

Ho unito il post al questo topic.
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


 :o non l'avevo visto, eppure ho provato a fare la ricerca ma nn mi dava nessun risultato


ancora pagante....
pagamento di ieri...

   11:34   Payment Received   83272058   Gold   +0.006289   46xxxx9   4.30 USD   683.70
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1043
Memo: ID.: 1043 :-: Amount: $4.3 :-: Date: 7/23/2007
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


 ;D ennesimo pagamento ricevuto stamattina

Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.015481   *******   10.34 USD   667.90
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1625
Memo: ID.: 1625 :-: Amount: $10.34 :-: Date: 8/27/2007



 ;D Pagato dopo  pochi minuti dalla richiesta  :D

   09:02   Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.011912   *******   7.93 USD   665.70
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1625
Memo: ID.: 1625 :-: Amount: $7.93 :-: Date: 8/30/2007


ragazzi vorrei sapere se sono l'unico che oggi non riesce a caricare il sito  ???


Ho ricevuto questa mail oggi tramite income storm:

We received the following from the admin of SteadyDailyShares.Com 10 minutes ago.

Hi Ken,

Thank you for your assistance in conveying messages to other members of SteadyDailyShares.Com.

We have now concluded that our only alternative at this time is to request for a refund from our hosting company. We have written to the hosting company requesting for a refund for SteadyDailyShares.Com's dedicated server hosting, since the services paid for are currently not rendered. We have also demanded for our files and back up files, database and back up database, to be transferred to a server where we should be given access to download to enable us host in a different company.

At the moment, SteadyDailyShares.Com still awaits response from the hosting company regarding the above stated demands. We will update you with our progress. Please assist us to appeal to all to have some patience. We intend to compensate all when we are back online.





Grande  ;D il sito è di nuovo online, al momento ho un prelievo (fatto prima che il sito sparisse) di 9$, posterò non appena ricevuto il pagamento.


Bene il sito è di nuovo online ed ecco la puntuale mail dell'admin:

Hi biviar,

This is to inform you that SteadyDailyShares.Com is back. The problem with the hosting company has been resolved and everything is now back to normal.

We are very sorry there had been the downtime, but it was completely beyond our control.

We have already started making payments to members. Please note that if you had a pending withdrawal, within the next few hours the money will be paid to your e-gold or alertpay account.

We are most grateful to the admin of IncomeStorm.Net for their support throughout our downtime. They had even offered us $1000 to move our database and files to a different hosting company. They have been very helpful to many of our members who said they were relaxed through the assurances given to them by the admin of IncomeStorm.Net. It is true that the script for SteadyDailyShares.Com is impossible to run at loss. IncomeStorm.Net has similar script and the admin knows it is a unique script model that will keep running profitably. Thanks admin. ( http://www.incomestorm.net/?ref=11 ).

Please note that we will try as much as we can to respond to all enquiries, but we appeal that enquiries should be limited to highly important ones. We will also extend shares to compensate for loss income. Please note that this only applies to active shares before the downtime.

Kind regards



Ottimo, appena ricevo il pagamento posto  ;D


 ;D pagamento ricevuto stasera stessa ( erano 7.69$ e non 9$ ricordavo male  :buck2:)

   19:44   Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.010926   *******   7.69 USD   703.80
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1625
Memo: ID.: 1625 :-: Amount: $7.69 :-: Date: 9/11/2007


 ;D Altro pagamento ricevuto or ora  :D

   07:06   Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.005135   *******   3.65 USD   710.75
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1625
Memo: ID.: 1625 :-: Amount: $3.65 :-: Date: 9/13/2007



 ;D Evvai, di nuovo pagato

   09:30   Payment Received   ********   Gold   +0.007950   *******   5.63 USD   708.20
From: SteadyDailyShares.Com    Merchant Reference #: 1625
Memo: ID.: 1625 :-: Amount: $5.63 :-: Date: 9/16/2007