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Aperto da surfgrazia, 16 Ottobre 2006, 11:44:55

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Certo che il suo inglese è qualcosa di veramente orrido...  :-X


Credo sia il momento di spostarlo,e' andato ,fa pagamenti studiati  :-X

se qualcuno verra' pagato lo segnali che lo rispostiamo ma per adesso per quanto mi riguarda e' scam  >:(


continua ad inviare email con scritto "Test"  :-X :-X
Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


nn capisco perchè queste email arrivano solo a te


Citazione di: NitroGuyver il 21 Febbraio 2007, 11:01:18
continua ad inviare email con scritto "Test"  :-X :-X
E' solo la prima parte della sua firma.
A breve dovrebbe arrivarti la seconda: "a Di C*zzo"!


stanotte mi è arrivato un pagamento.

Payment Notification from Surfing4Dollar

"We have paid you for your upgrade that expired on 18 Jan..."

ho ancora in sospeso queste scadenze:


E mi è arrivata anche un'altro tipo di email:

Contact Request.

Unfortunately you haven't had another active upgrade on 17 Feb as our program couldnot process your account automatically and on time.please read our FAQ about our payout rules (you will be paid in your next upgrade expiry).
As well if you have other payments in pending status for before 1 Feb and you haven't been paid yet, so you will be paid soon (as we have already told in our newsletter email).
Please remember,Re-upgrade before your upgrade expiry.

Best Regards.

Support Team.

Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


Wow, grande Nitro!
Domanda: quando sei stato pagato (oggi o ieri, dunque) il tuo account era free o upgraded?


c'è la data sull'immagine che ho allegato!
25/02/07 alle 3 di mattina.

Ero free....l'ultimo upgrade è scaduto il 17/02/07

E sono ancora Free.....ci devo pensare se fare altri upgrade, intanto gli ho scritto in merito alle altre scadenze che non ho ricevuto i pagamenti.

Non capisco questo pagamento, proprio in mezzo a scadenze non pagate...
mika andrà random?!?!
Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


stessa cosa,stamattina mi ha mandato la stessa mail ,ho un pending di 88$

e mi ha pagato 8 dollari  ??? veramente strano questo secondo me si droga  :D


si,e se la compra con i nostri pending  :P
Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


gli ho scritto 4 giorni fa, x chiedergli come mai ancora non mi ha pagato le precedente scadenza, e gli ho incollato la mia history.
Mi ha risposto il giorno dopo, chiedendomi il mio ID user.

Ok, non ha + risposto.
Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


mi sono arrivate 10 email tutte uguali...

Hello members.

Unfortunatly there are a few violators and cheaters who have posted many fake bad votes everyday.of course there are also some members who haven't respected our rules and as a result they haven't received their payments on time and are writing some bad votes/posts.We have gathered some our rules here (We haven't changed any terms and rules),please review :

1-As a free member you will not get paid cash bonuses and you cannot earn referral commission.Upgraded members payments are processed once the upgrade package expires.you need to re-upgrade to receive your earnings.

2-You must have an active upgrade (in running) at your upgrade expiry time and keep your upgrade level as our system can process your account automatically,otherwise you will be paid after your next upgrade expiry.

3-Your account will be deleted if you are inactive for 30 days or if you are a free member for 15 days.

For example please look at these upgrades history:

2006-11-18    $3.00
2006-11-30    $3.00
2006-12-12    $3.00
2006-12-24    $6.00
2007-01-05    $6.00
2007-02-11    $6.00

This member has never respected our payout rules (active upgrade).although he has re-upgraded for 5 times but hasn't had any active upgrade at his upgrade expiry time! he should re-upgrade on 29/11, 10/12 ,23/12, 4/1, 16/1 and 22/2 or earlier.of course we have already paid him for 4 times kindly.(we have processed his account manually).However you must re-upgrade before your upgrade expiry.
In addition this account has been as free account after 22 Feb so far.

Attention:there are still some payouts in pending status.we are paying them along our new payouts.thanks for your patience and understanding.

Please don't forget, support your program.

Best Regards.

Support Team.
Scambi positivi con: smartmouse


Si l'ha mandata a tutti,credo voglia cercare di racimolare qualche dollaro  :-X 


che culo a me solo 3  :P


A me 4... Ho vinto qualcosa?  ;D