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Aperto da versus, 07 Gennaio 2006, 23:15:11

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


U-earn 12% Daily ROI for 12 Days then 0.12% Daily ROI...Forever

5$ BoNuS Per 7 Giorni  12% x 12 Giorni

Sites Surf: 12

Payout Type: Mass Payouts
( On daily within 1 days ,min $12 cashouts )

Upgrades%: Min Spend:  $5  Max Spend: $5000  

Ok, What's the catch?
There isn't one! We simply pay you to view websites and online content specifically targeted to like minded people just like you!
We do however ask that you upgrade your account within 7 days of becoming a Free member to avoid removal from the programme

So what makes U-earn different?
Join us as an upgraded member, surf just 12 sites a day, and we will not only transform your thinking but your income too, we will pay you 12% of your account balance daily, Upgrade units last 12 days.
But it doesn't end there, oh no! after you have earned your initial 12% Daily for 12 days for each upgrade unit, you will continue to earn 0.12% Daily on every unit....Forever!!
You don't have to surf all day or wait months to see a payment either, infact you don't even have to wait for an upgrade unit to expire. We pay out automatically once a day on all upgraded accounts with a cash balance of at least $12.
