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wbwso , un programma reale

Aperto da cryptone, 17 Ottobre 2009, 17:25:30

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WBwso è una compagnia che acquista e sviluppa Siti Web, per generare dei profitti con Adsense,Clickbank, Ebay, Amazon .. etc, permettendo di accumulare profitti per 3 anni al ritmo dello 0,63% giornaliero con reinvestimento automatico che permettono una proiezione di guadagni a 4 zeri anche partendo da investimenti molto piccoli

Queste sue caratteristiche a mio parere la inseriscono nelle SD ( strange diverse ) HYIP , i programmi ad alto rischio ... strani e diversi .. SDHYIP

WBwso ( Web Builder Web Site Owner Program) è gestito dalla Società WBwso Limited (UK), company registration No. 6751383, situata presso:


La società risulta nel database delle aziende inglesi

è possibile anche scaricare lo statuto corporativo della società (13pag) ma questo è un servizio che il registro delle aziende offre solo a pagamento ( 18 sterline)

Interessante segnalare che,il General Manager David Taylor,possiede altri 1570 (!) domini, una cosa non da poco, ma in linea con una società che dice di occuparsi di domini

WBwso non è un Programma dai guadagni immediati,ma piuttosto un Programma a lungo termine. Il Periodo dell'investimento è difatti 3 ANNI con reinvestimento automatico , magari questo non vi dice tanto ma dovete calcolare che 20$ per 3 anni allo 0,62 col compunding 100% alla fine fa ... 19.000 $

WBwso quindi usa i capitali per realizzare e promuovere siti web in modo da renderli fonte di guadagno con i più svariati metodi

Aderendo al programma potete scegliere la categoria merceologica che preferite

WealthBuilder2 = Settore Benessere e Salute
WealthBuilder3 = Settore Finanza
WealthBuilder4 = Settore Lavoro da Casa
WealthBuilder5 = Settore Programmi di Affiliazione

Volendo è presente anche un piano [ FastSaleSites ] con rendite settimanali del 3,6% per 6 mesi con ingresso di 50$

Siete curiosi di vedere qualche esempio di siti in via si vliluppo?


WBwso senz' altro è un progetto originale, il piano rapido FastSaleSites sta pagando regolarmente e solo il tempo ci può dire cosa succederà in 3 anni per gli altri piani

Vorrei aggiungere una piccola considerazione personale di una persona che sul web ci "lavoricchia" . So per certo che basta 1 solo sito ben fatto per guadagnare migliaia di dollari al mese, non riesco ad immaginare avendo soldi e risorse per fare centinaia o migliaia di siti ben ottimizzati quanto si possa guadagnare


Hi, What's your name and your position in WBwso?
My name is Allan Davis, I am the senior Support manager for WBwso LTD.

When did you start your program?
I have been with WBwso since Nov 2008

How many people works in WBwso?
Most people who work for WBwso are contractors who are hired for a specific task. This gives us a complete cost control over projects and keeps costs down. Depending on how you calculate how many wrok for WBwso you get some different figures. The main core of full time workers is currently around 30. Once you had part time workers and contractors who develop scripts, do marketing supply content it grows quickly in numbers.

How do you chose the Websites?
It really is not that hard. If you know what to look for and what makes a good and solid website and know what is created with rather simple automated scripts it is easy to pick the better once. More important when we buy a website is how it will fit in to other sites we already have so they can benefit each other.

We have seen the example websites. Can you give us other example websites?
Wait a little longer and you will be able to see all the sites in the transparent FlipSite package, this will show you how "simple" our work is if you know what you are doing.

Your three years compounding program is very ambitious. How can you guarantee it?
Any one who googles a little on flipping websites will find tons of "e-books" and guides of how to do it, some cost money and some are free, some are better and some are real crap, but at the end of the day, they all build on the very same system that we use. We do get some advantage, or rather a lot of them since we can skip much of the extremely time consuming step of gathering in coming links form websites related to the topic, we have loads of them our self with in each package and a separate linking system that we have built.
Another really important thing that we can do since we operate in "large scale" is content cheap. Webmaster with only a few websites or even with tens of them pay up and around $3-4 for an article, when you do it in a bigger scale you can bring the cost down to $0.50 to $1.00. And every one adds value to the website.
The real issue is the "pay out" and how we can do this in the quantities that it will be. Firstly a package does not end over night; it might be spread over weeks or even months. The key here is of course to be able to sell off the websites in the package in the right time. The problem here would be if we had to sell of thousand of site in one go, but the "package evolution" is in the following way:
We start by buying for example 100 websites with the member's funds on the topic "automotive". This is "small" websites, indexed and with traffic and a smaller income.
We now develop the websites, adding more incoming links, fresh content and make them "click friendly" in design.
From the income they bring in we buy more websites on the same topic. Some sites are sold off quickly if we get a good bid, normally double the money we have spent on them and in short time.
All funds coming in go to simply purchasing more sites, and each site added boosts the once in the package already as it is one more link from a related site. Once the package has grown to a few hundred sites the strategy changes a bit, we now sell off maybe 50 sites to buy one larger site on the same topic. This is then often sites that are longer established and have some weight (read Google PR and authority on the topic). The bigger sites often have the same linking power as all the smaller sites that we had to sell to buy it.
So to "fast forward" the cycle we now come to the time when we need to sell sites to pay the members who own the package, we then have x amount of larger high quality websites that are easy to sell since they have along and proven track record with a proven income, this is the easiest type of sites to sell and the price is many times higher (24-120 times the monthly income). Quality websites fetch a rather high price, websites selling for millions is not unusual, it is first when you talk about websites for 50 million or hundreds of millions that it starts to be somewhat unusual or limited in sales, but there are lots of buyers for that kind of sites.

Where do you see WBwso in the next 3 years from now?
The end goal here is not to complete the "3" years, it is after that it starts to get interesting. We are convinced that many members will be willing to reinvest part of their profits in buying a few "high quality major" websites, and from that get a stable monthly income after the first 3 years and this is the real end goal for us.
Do you have social aims?
Not more then creating a group of members that over the years to come learn more about how we work and support the projects we draw up with funds they have already earned from our projects. I guess you could call that a small "elite" group of website owners.
Can you give some preview about your future programs to Italian Investors?
In the year ahead of us you will see more WealthBuilder packages on different topics and a wider range of shorter term package in line with the FastSaleSites and FlipSite packages. We always try to make the most of every dollar we spend so diversity is important to us.
Do you have a physical office? Can we visit your office?
Yes ofcourse we do. Even if most work from different locations or are sub contractors we need a central point. You are welcome to visit us, many already have!

Italian People is very suspicious about hyip. You have told that you are not a hyip....Why?
I am suspicious about HYIP's, every one should be! HYIP's are based on some dreamed up trading in Forex or stock. Even if our assets are electronic, they are real. Domain names and websites have an actual value, are registered and can be sold or traded at any time. If we make a mistake (read: buy a bad website) it is not like when you make a mistake on the stock exchange and your funds are "gone", we own it, it is ours, we can develop it, change it, promote it and do many things to correct a mistake. This makes us more secure than many other investments. This is also why do not like to be compared to HYIP's, we are a real business, not something dreamed up. It is sometimes unfortunate that many have placed us in the category of HYIP's, but at the end of the day, any link is a good link when it comes to websites and online business!
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