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  • Messaggi totali: 50.526
  • Totale discussioni: 7.254
  • Online Oggi: 138
  • Massimi online: 1.578 (05 Settembre 2016, 16:07:48)
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Nuova PTC
Guadagno diretto 0,01$
Guadagno dai ref 0,005$
Ads giornaliere 4+
Payout a 2$ tramite PayPal, AlertPay.

Homebux - Get Paid To Click

1 Commento

Citazionethe word of the admin
ITbux was created on March, 26th. We have been working on the script very hard to make sure that everything is running smooth.

Standard Membership
Your Click: $0.01 (Standard Ad) $0.01 (Extended Ad) $0.005(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01ref (Standard Ad) $0.01ref (Extended Ad) $0.005ref (Short Ad)

Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.02(Extended Ad) $0.007(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.02(Extended Ad) $0.007(Short Ad)

Your Click: $0.02(Standard Ad) $0.03(Extended Ad) $0.009(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.02(Standard Ad) $0.03(Extended Ad) $0.009(Short Ad)

You get paid once you reach the minimum payout. The minimum payout is set at $2 for the first cashout, $5 for the second, $7 for the third and $10 for every one after that.

Once you reach the minimum amount, you can withdraw your money instantly to either AlertPay and PayPal


iimage infos

u can reg here too


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Citazionethe word of the admin

TBMBux was created on March, 26th. We have been working on the script very hard to make sure that everything is running smooth. We are using Zeus script, which has been used by some other sites.

The first 15,000 members that register in TBMBux will have Pioneer membership for free.

Pioneer membership to the first 15000 members who registered.

* Standard members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.005 per ad their referral(s) view.
* Pioneer members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.
* Golden members get $0.02 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.

Direct referrals limit:

* As a Standard Member you can have a maximum of 50 direct referrals.
* As a Pioneer Member you can have a maximum of 150 direct referrals.
* As a Golden Member you can have a maximum of 400 direct referrals.

The minimum payout amount is set at $ $3.00 for the second $5, $10.00 (ten US dollars) for the third, via Paypal, Alertpay, liberty reserve


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ciao a tutti ecco qui una ottima ptc con admin italiano
11 ads al giorno circa da $0.002-$0.005
payout ad $1.00 tramite PayPal & Alertpay con fee 2%
ecco la prova di pagamento

se volete iscrivervi ecco il link http://www.officeptc.com/index.php?ref=lakezone

3 Commenti
Mi hanno invitato in questo "allettante" nuovo programma che promette un metodo rivoluzionario di Network Marketing,
sapete di cosa si tratta? E' una fregatura o una cosa seria?
Io mi ci sono butatto a pesce ma non ho visto ancora niente!
Per vedere di cosa si tratta vi lascio il mkio referral link ma è sufficiente per provare a c apire di che si tratta:

Grazie a chiunque volesse darmi una risposta o volesse chiarirmi le idee in merito.....


Complimenti al forum!

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