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Aperto da ironska, 13 Giugno 2007, 19:56:29

0 Utenti e 2 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


si, aspettiamo un paio di giorni per capire se è una cosa momentanea... non so perchè latito ancora a metterlo negli scam


Citazione di: toretto il 08 Ottobre 2007, 12:20:48
Il sito è scomparso da 2 gg!!!! me lo confermate???

ragazzi, ho letto sul forum di bux.to che il sito è raggiungibile qui :
si parla di un sabotaggio, ma che l'indirizzo ip funziona
Le migliori PTC del momento: http://adbuxitaliano.blogspot.com


guerra tra bux.to ed adbux

CitazioneThere is an ongoing war you don't get to hear about in the 9 o'clock news. The debate between AdBux and Bux.to has blown up out of proportions and it is now a full bloody virtual war.

The members seem to have taken sides in this dispute and even those of us who just want to click ads and cash in seem to be drawn in to the debate, whether we want to or not. AdBux has accused Bux.to for fraudelent activities for months now and the slandering has been rough in both directions. It all started when AdBux accused Bux.to of hacking into their system and stealing their script and database. Bux.to's response to the matter was that they had actually hired their own programmer.

Just as Bux.to was getting up to speed with the late payouts and everything seemed to look brighter for the members, the AdBux admins decided to take the war one step further. On the AdBux forum there is a 135 page thread about Bux.to and the main subject over the last 24 hours has been "how to close down Bux.to for good". The AdBux admins had an open discussion with their members and brainstormed a few ideas such as reporting to the FBI for fraud. The FBI's response was that they had nothing to go on so the AdBux-ers had go back to brainstorming. This time they came up with the idea to report abuse and accuse Bux.to of spamming. All AdBux forum member were asked to send copies of sales letters sent to them by Bux.to and the owner of AdBux forwarded these emails to the Bux.to domain registrar as spam. The fact that the salesletters only are sent to registered Bux.to members was not something they took into consideration. And it seems like the AdBux plan worked. A few hours later the Bux.to website was unaccessible, hundreds of thousands of Bux.to member shut out and wondering where their money went? Meanwhile the AdBux admins was laughing out loud on their forum and thanking the supporters for a good job.

As a mere observerer it was fascinating to see how the AdBux admins slowly, hour after hour on Sunday the 7th of Oct, was slandering Bux.to and convincing doubtful members to join their side. Any objection was forced down quickly by the admins and their closest men. The scene made us think of a notorious german man with black hair and a little moustasche who yelled out his propganda to the people and conviced them to either take his side or suffer the consequences. The AdBux admins even managed to get the Bux.to forum moderator over to the other side.

The accussations
It's no understatement to say that both sides has accused one another of scam. Those of us who has been around in the PT realm for a while surely remember the Netbux scandal. The netbux owner stole around US$40,000-US$50,000 of the members money and ran for the hills. A lot of people mean that the person behind that scam is now the owner of AdBux and they cannot understand how people can trust this person and his accussations against Bux.to.

"It is only a matter of time before he scam us all again. One would think people would learn a lesson from dealing with this guy." says Joanna, an angry PTC program member.

AdBux responded to the matter by putting a website explaining the circumstances around Netbux and AdBux. http://theyscammedus.com/adbux.php#1 "Well of course he would try and defend himself. If I was a scammer I would too. But frankly I don't believe one word written on that website" Joanna continues. "This war AdBux has started will only harm the members and no one will gain anything if Bux.to goes down. There is a lot of money invested in this program and they had just gotten back on track with the payments.....then the AdBux snotty kids had to come sabotage it. Their forum is filled with smileys, LOLs, LMAOs and disgusting pictures supposedly impersonating the admins of Bux.to. It is clearly a bunch of kids running AdBux and they're trying to take justice into their own hands. The AdBux forum really looks like a refugee camp for people who were banned for cheating on Bux.to and couldn't take the fact that they were caught." But not everyone was angry. Those standing on AdBux's side was celebrating loudly on the forum.

"I am glad to see Bux.to shut down. They were very late with payments. I just got all my money this weekend from Bux.to but I still think they are bad. It has to be bad, if they are late with payments,right?" said an anonymous member of both AdBux and Bux.to.

Most of us have heard that Bux.to had troubles to keep up with payout and it has caused a lot of turbulence among the members and some even started to suspect scam. Bux.to admins explained that they were understaffed and simply not prepared for this large amount of people joining the program. Just a week ago they hired more staff to help out and have been working around the clock to catch up with payouts.

We managed to get a hold of Bux.to admins for a comment.
"In regards to the payments we have reached the 5th of September, so we're close in our 30 days time frame as stated. Difficult to work well if other people are trying to damage your business just for the reason that we are more successful. At the moment 80% of our working power is wasted, they even send fake people to our forum to keep us busy."

How this virtual war will develop we can only guess, but today at lunch time (GMT) the Bux.to wesbite was up again and running from the IP:

Bux.to administration are taking legal actions against what they think is a sabotage but first they want to sort out any member issues and continue with the payouts.

"After all the members has to come first" says Bux.to.

(c) UrOnlineBiz www.uronlinebiz.com
October 08, 2007


pagato dopo 2 mesi d'attesa


sono in pending da 1 mese e mezzo....

Ps se non mi connetto è colpa di Alice


Qualcuno sta aspettando il pagamento di Bux.to? Stanno andando ben oltre i 30 gg. lavorativi. Il primo pagamento lo ricevetti al 30° giorno lavorativo, invece ora (sono al secondo pagamento) sto aspettando da più di 30 gg. Sul forum di Bux.to ho letto che stanno ricevendo i pagamenti quelli la cui richiesta risale al 13 ottobre. Se magari anch noi qui ci teniamo aggiornati, giusto per darci un'idea.
Io la richiesta l'ho fatta il 18 ottobre
Le migliori PTC del momento: http://adbuxitaliano.blogspot.com


escer io sono stato pagato un paio di settimane fa dopo che aspettavo dal 26 settembre, quindi fai un pò tu
in ogni caso conttattali e digli che sono passati i 30 giorni lavorativi, solitamente rispondono


Hai ricevuto un nuovo pagamento.

Gentile ###############,

FreelancerMarketing.com ti ha appena inviato un pagamento con PayPal

FreelancerMarketing.com è un acquirente verificato.

Dettagli sul pagamento
Importo:      $10,00 USD
ID della transazione:      5X985512PN161###
Oggetto:       Bux.to - Payment

Ricevuto oggi dal 14 oct... considera che i 30 gg lavorativi vengono considerati in base allo stato dove opera bux.to (possono essere molti di più rispetto a 30 gg italiani)


Citazione di: barcir il 12 Dicembre 2007, 11:49:07
escer io sono stato pagato un paio di settimane fa dopo che aspettavo dal 26 settembre, quindi fai un pò tu
in ogni caso conttattali e digli che sono passati i 30 giorni lavorativi, solitamente rispondono

inutile.... rispondono sempre le stesse risposte quasi che dietro il ticket ci sia un bot!!!


Ok....allora ci siamo quasi anche per me! La prossima settimana immagino. Grz!
Le migliori PTC del momento: http://adbuxitaliano.blogspot.com


allora oggi ho ricevuto una notizia da tesasteamails, che ha annullato tutte le richieste di ads da parte degli utenti e riguardanti bux.to. Il motivo sembra che sia da addurre al fatto che bux.to ora compare in gpt.boycott

CitazioneI just found out that Bux.to is banned by GPT Boycott so any advertisers will have to replace their ads.

Don't hate me, I'm just the messenger.


il che vuol dire? che non paga piu'?


beh se toretto è stato pagato di recente sarebbe meglio aspettare, molti probabilmente lo danno per scam per via dei pagamenti troppo lunghi, nel post precedente ho detto che aspettavo il payout da 2 mesi e alla fine sono stato pagato, ora sto per raggiungere il 2 payout solo perchè un ref (TU :P) mi hai fatto raggiungere di nuovo 6 dollari, per cui è un peccato lasciarli li, altrimenti l'avrei cestinata già da una vita :coolsmiley:


raga non so che dire.... a me ha pagato, anche se un pò in ritardo, non mi sento di dire che è scam. credo che pagare con 1 mil di membri iscritti aumenta notevolmente il tempo che ci impiegano.

ma è questa la società che sta dietro a bux.to ??? http://freelancermarketing.com (è il nome del mittente che mi ha inviato il paypal)


e questa è un altra stranezza, che hanno a che vedere freelancermarketing con bux.to? che siano dello stesso proprietario lo escludo dato che freelancer è un sito ben fatto con animazione ecc, mentre bux.to fa proprio c.gare