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revenue share ptc

Aperto da biviar, 15 Febbraio 2010, 13:27:52

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Riporto dal sito: "EarningInProgress is all about earning points. The more points you have, the more advertising and Free Revenue Shares you can get. Once You have enough points You simply trade them for advertising or for Revenue Shares which converts daily to cash.

Points are earned simply by clicking links, Text ads, referring others, reading Solo ads, clicking banners.
You also earn Points when your referrals click on links and even just by accessing your EarningInProgress account!

At EarningInProgress You also earn direct commissions. When your FREE referrals become active members, purchase advertising or upgrade their accounts You earn direct commissions".

Per essere attivi si deve arrivare a 300 punti (credo bastino un paio di giorni) e per cominciare a scambiare i punti con Free Revenue Share (FRS) basta diventare silver member (bastano 3 referrals). Non sembra male come idea di PTC. Se vi va di provare http://711ce3a6.linkbucks.com