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Aperto da cucciola, 17 Dicembre 2010, 18:19:34

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Io lo riposto - - - non sono riuscita a trovarla - - - anche se almeno 2/4 post li ho fatti.
Pagamento richiesto il: gg/mm/aa - - - 13/12/10
Pagamento ricevuto il: gg/mm/aa - - - 16/12/10
Tipo membership: Free
Payout + Bonus = First of all I would like to appologize:|
For the first 3rd and the 4th payment request, the reason of cancelation of your payment was that you have not posted your second payment proof on the forum.
For the 5th... Here comes my mistake:| Well, I did not see that, on the 2n of December, you had posted you payment proof for the 2nd payment. So, I canceled this payment too.
But now, I have checked your payments, and the payment proofs and I have seen I made a terrible mistake.
I hope you can get over this.
To recover from this mistake, instead of giving you $0.31, as you requested, I will send you $0.5 .
I apologise again and promise this will never happen again with any of my sites' members.
P.S. I have just sent you your $0.5 . Please don't forget to post this on the forum and write on your post the reason why you have received this amount of money. You can copy-paste this email from me. Thank you!!!

:wink:  :wink:  - - - Se ti interessa visitare il sito = http://www.pyramidsptc.info/index.php?ref=andrea1957
http://forum.ioguadagno.it/scambio-cerco-referral-e-o-upline-f20/quelle-che-a-me-pagano-o-almeno-si-spera-t16711.html#p152339 - - - Possono essere interessanti e utili le informazioni in questa parte del forum - Ossia le Ptr/Ptc - che a me hanno pagato..... Ptr Ptc Paganti


Pagamento richiesto il: gg/mm/aa - - - 27/12/10
Pagamento ricevuto il: gg/mm/aa - - - 30/12/10
Tipo membership: Free

6° - - - Sesto pagamento ricevuto:  :P

:wink:  :wink:  - - - Se ti interessa visitare il sito = http://www.pyramidsptc.info/index.php?ref=andrea1957
http://forum.ioguadagno.it/scambio-cerco-referral-e-o-upline-f20/quelle-che-a-me-pagano-o-almeno-si-spera-t16711.html#p152339 - - - Possono essere interessanti e utili le informazioni in questa parte del forum - Ossia le Ptr/Ptc - che a me hanno pagato..... Ptr Ptc Paganti