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Aperto da ironska, 21 Luglio 2007, 03:41:52

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


How it works

Tarbux.com is a free worldwide profit sharing program that unites advertisers, members and everyday internet users together.

TarBux.com or Target Bux, is free worldwide English paid to click profit-sharing website that unites advertisers, members and everyday internet surfers together. How does it work? Simple, advertisers submit an advertisement to be viewed by our members or non-members (internet surfers). Members can view an ad once every 24 hours and get credit for it. When members view the ad, a 30 second timer counts down and the member receives 1 cent. That's it! No catch, just read the advertisements, let the 30 second timer count down and you get 1 cent for each advertisement in your personal Tarbux account. That's not all, for every person you directly refer you will receive 100% of their earnings. We encourage all members and non-members to view each advertisement and see what our advertisers are promoting. You never know what you are going to find!

Program Details:

    * Free Membership
    * Open Worldwide
    * $7.00 Payout
    * Payouts through Paypal
    * Purchase referrals, weekly referral and cash giveaways
    * Advertise for as little a $3.25 per 100 member views
    * Exchange earnings for advertising for aslittle as $2.75 per 100 member views
    * Unlimited views to outside internet visitors during active ad status
    * 10% commission when referring an advertiser
    * Archive expired ads for seven days to accommodate advertisers


PTC LIST easyway to GET paid


ehy facciamo che io mi iscrivo su tarbux con il tuo ref-link e tu ti iscrivi su una ptc con il mio ref?


tarbux non risulta pagante.....e se lo fosse allora ha accumulato un ritardo di oltre 1 mese


mmh allora..andiamo bene...ci sara uno tra quelli sorti della generazione bux..che oltre ad adbux pagaveramente?bah!!


si vabbè il sito è in manutenzione da una vita e sta sezione necessita di una scrematura, ma qui nessuno collabora :crazy2: