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Email phishing

Aperto da Paolo, 18 Gennaio 2007, 09:40:48

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


ciao a tutti,
ho letto il topic di Ezzrssi,che riguardava il furto dei dati da egold,
non so se vi è capitato ma a me arrivò una email che sembrava he provenisse da yhaoo,
e diceva in inglese, congratulazione hai vinto 500$ alla lotteria di yhaoo e sotto un link dove usciva una pagina molto simile a yhaoo dove chiedeva di inserire i dati,naturalmente non l'ho fatto e se dovesse arrivare non credeteci nemmeno voi,
ammetto di essere stato curioso sopratutto per la cifra bassa,ho pensato se mi volevano fregare mi dicevano che avevo vinto un milione di dollari ;D
comunque inviai una email a yhaoo con il testo copiato,(peccato che non ce l'ho più se no ve la incollavo)e mi hanno risposto che non l'avevano mandata loro,
io gia ne ero sicuro siccome non sono nemmeno iscritto a yhaoo,comunque sia diffidate di tutto e se vi capitano altre violazioni così fatel osapere a tutti non si sa mai,
spero si esservi stato utile,
a presto, ;)


CitazioneYou won $500! Yahoo!® Mail congratulates you!


YOU WON $500!

Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account has been selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us. Please click the link below and follow instructions on our web site. Your money will be paid directly to your e-gold, PayPal, StormPay or MoneyBookers account.

Click here to get your prize:


The Yahoo.com staff
Yahoo.com http://www.yahoo.com


Eh si, attenti a questo tipo di email, si tratta di phishing.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Ciao a tutti.
In merito al phiising volevo segnalarvi quanto segue.
In media ogni settimana ricxevo un email da e-gold (non penso che siano loro) dome mi dice che devo autenticarmi se no mi bloccano l'account.
La prima l'ho cestinata subito poi ne ho ricevuta un altra dove mi danno tempo fino al 5 febbraio poi il mio account sarà bloccato!!
Ho aperto il link e, sinceramente sembra proprio il sito di e-gold,  la cosa strana che mi ha fatto bloccare e che dovevo inserire sia la mia email che la password  della mia email!!!
A quel punto l'ho cestinata!!
Di sotto faccio copia ed incolla dell'email cosi vi rendete meglio conto.

***** e-gold message ID: VLAK81910 *****

Dear e-gold user,

E-gold is currently conducting constant security-related verifications of all of the member accounts registered with the e-gold service. This measure is an integral part of the e-gold Security Policy which has been developed with the purpose of ensuring the highest level of security to all members of the e-gold community. You will need to verify your account by clicking on the weblink, provided below and following the instructions presented on the Secure e-gold Account Verification webpage. Verifications will be accepted until 5th February 2007 . If you fail to verify your account before this date, your account will be rendered inactive and will be a subject of termination. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your business.


e-gold Account Department

Cosa ne pensate??
Un saluto a voi tutti


Citazione di: Antonello64 il 31 Gennaio 2007, 18:02:05
Ciao a tutti.
In merito al phiising volevo segnalarvi quanto segue.
In media ogni settimana ricxevo un email da e-gold (non penso che siano loro) dome mi dice che devo autenticarmi se no mi bloccano l'account.
La prima l'ho cestinata subito poi ne ho ricevuta un altra dove mi danno tempo fino al 5 febbraio poi il mio account sarà bloccato!!
Ho aperto il link e, sinceramente sembra proprio il sito di e-gold,  la cosa strana che mi ha fatto bloccare e che dovevo inserire sia la mia email che la password  della mia email!!!
A quel punto l'ho cestinata!!
Di sotto faccio copia ed incolla dell'email cosi vi rendete meglio conto.

***** e-gold message ID: VLAK81910 *****

Dear e-gold user,

E-gold is currently conducting constant security-related verifications of all of the member accounts registered with the e-gold service. This measure is an integral part of the e-gold Security Policy which has been developed with the purpose of ensuring the highest level of security to all members of the e-gold community. You will need to verify your account by clicking on the weblink, provided below and following the instructions presented on the Secure e-gold Account Verification webpage. Verifications will be accepted until 5th February 2007 . If you fail to verify your account before this date, your account will be rendered inactive and will be a subject of termination. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your business.


e-gold Account Department

Cosa ne pensate??
Un saluto a voi tutti

Si e' phiising bello e buono cestina tutto


Grazie di tutto.
Per la cronaca avevo sbagliato a scrivere.
A risentirci.


Citazione di: Antonello64 il 01 Febbraio 2007, 17:33:53
Grazie di tutto.
Per la cronaca avevo sbagliato a scrivere.
A risentirci.

si ti avevo seguito anche io  ;D


Questa è veramente fatta bene!

...peccato per l'ultimo rigo! C'è la firma di una casella HotMail! Ahahah!

Leggetela attentamente:

From: Dr.Hadji.

Attention please,
I am Dr.Hadji,The bank manager of BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) BURKINA FASO

I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that you will keep this as top secret.don't be scared or surprised, i am the manager of BANK OF AFRICA and i have an opportunity to transfer sum of US$10.5MILLION (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED UNITED STATE DOLLARS) I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be capable for this important business Transaction,believing that you will never let me down either now or in Future. The owner of this account is JOSEPH F. GRILLO, foreigner and he is the Manager of petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.

He died in world trade center as a victim of the September 11,2001 Incident that befall the United State of America, the bank has made series of efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you can confirm through this website:

And my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this account.I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I Don't know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before, but be sure that it is real And A Genuine business.Hope that you will never let me down in this transaction, at the conclusion of this business, you will be giving 30% of the total amount, 70% will be for me. I look forward to your earlier reply by email for more details Thanks.


MSN Messenger: appels gratuits de PC à PC ! http://www.msn.fr/msger/default.asp

Che stronzi però a nominare l'11 Settembre e a fare il nome di una persona che ha perso la vita quel giorno :-X
Cmq lo scopo di questa email è lo stesso che avevamo discusso in questo altro topic.

State sempre molto attenti!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 09 Febbraio 2007, 18:15:24
Questa è veramente fatta bene!

...peccato per l'ultimo rigo! C'è la firma di una casella HotMail! Ahahah!

Leggetela attentamente:

From: Dr.Hadji.

Attention please,
I am Dr.Hadji,The bank manager of BANK OF AFRICA (BOA) BURKINA FASO

I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that you will keep this as top secret.don't be scared or surprised, i am the manager of BANK OF AFRICA and i have an opportunity to transfer sum of US$10.5MILLION (TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED UNITED STATE DOLLARS) I have the courage to look for a reliable and Honest Person who will be capable for this important business Transaction,believing that you will never let me down either now or in Future. The owner of this account is JOSEPH F. GRILLO, foreigner and he is the Manager of petrol chemical service, a chemical engineer by Proffession.

He died in world trade center as a victim of the September 11,2001 Incident that befall the United State of America, the bank has made series of efforts to contact any of the relatives to claim this money but without success, you can confirm through this website:

And my investigation proved to me as well that his company does not know anything about this account.I want to transfer this money into a safe foreign account abroad but I Don't know any foreigner,I know that this message will come to you as a surprise as we don't know ourselves before, but be sure that it is real And A Genuine business.Hope that you will never let me down in this transaction, at the conclusion of this business, you will be giving 30% of the total amount, 70% will be for me. I look forward to your earlier reply by email for more details Thanks.


MSN Messenger: appels gratuits de PC à PC ! http://www.msn.fr/msger/default.asp

Che stronzi però a nominare l'11 Settembre e a fare il nome di una persona che ha perso la vita quel giorno :-X
Cmq lo scopo di questa email è lo stesso che avevamo discusso in questo altro topic.

State sempre molto attenti!

Che infamon  :-X


CitazioneGood day
I am David Palmer, staff of SMITH & WILLIAMSON Private Banking.
I am contacting you concerning a deceased customer and an investment he
placed under
our banks management three years ago.
I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the
information you come by as a result of this mail.
I contacted you independently of our investigation and no one is
informed of this communication.
I would like to intimate you with certain facts that I believe would be
of interest  I hope to read from you, thank you. Awaiting your reply
via email 
David Palmer

...e questo che vuole adesso? :o
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


CitazioneFondazion Di Vittorio, ITALY

Be notified by our organization that you just won the Donation of
US$2,500,000.00 (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States

You are advise to contact immediately you received this mail for
further instruction on how you are to claim your donation prize.

Please quote your qualification numbers to our secretary for security
reasons. Qualification numbers (N-222-6747, E-900-56) quote in all

Contact information below:

Executive Secretary- Mr. Riccardo Varanini
Email: riccardovaranini_003@yahoo.ie

Mr. Ricardo Varanini
Foundation Secretary

Mr. Gianni Mattioli
(Foundation officer)

Visit our site for more information:


"Fondazione Di Vittorio" (website: http://www.fondazionedivittorio.it/) is a foundation in Italy whose name is abused for a scam by a Nigerian gang. The scam works the same way as a fake lottery scam, i.e. you are made to pay money to a fake lawyer, bank, courier company, etc.

Maggiori info qui: http://www.joewein.net/419/419-vittorio-italy.htm
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


ne stanno girando un sacco in questi giorni.
Ma come si fa a cascarci?


Eccone un'altra... sembra dello stesso stampo:

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Lottery Winners
International programs held 0n 18th April, 2007. Your e-mail address
attached to ticket number :EL-23135 with serial number: EL-137592,batch
number: EL-3591,lottery ref number: EL-9318 and drew lucky numbers
7518319-4-26 which consequently won in the 2nd category of our Annual
promotion, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of
US$3,850,000.00 (Three  Million, Eight Hundred  and fiftyThousand United
States dollars).

Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your
information confidential until your claims has been processed and your
Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double
claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. All
participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from
40,000 company and 20,000,000 individual email addresses and names from
over the world.

This promotional program takes place every year. This lottery was
and sponsored by a group of successful electronic dealers.we hope with
of your winning,you will take part in our next year US$20 million
international lottery. To file for your claim, please contact our paying
Contact Person:
Mr: Dinnis Wilma,
Lottery Director.

Remember, all winning must be cliam not later than 21 working official
dates after the notification date and all unclaimed funds will be
in the next stake.
Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications
remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all

Furthermore, should there be any change of address do inform our agent
soon as possible.
Congratulations once more from our members of staff and thank you for
part of our promotional program.
Note:Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr.Ernestab Lawrence
Lottory  Co-ordinator
Lotto Internationation Nl.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


a voi quella dell'avvocato americano che cura l'eredità di un miliardario morto senza eredi neanche di 100° non è mai arrivata? combinazione il fortunato destinatario di decine di milioni di dollari, scelto dalla sorte benigna, sei proprio tu  ;D ;D ;D ;D quella la trovo veramente incredibile


In quest'altra email invece mi devono un assegno di 500,000$ :o

CitazioneMy Compliments

Dear friend,

So far so good, I am very happy to inform you about my success in
getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of Mr Carlos
Santos Sanchez from Mexico. Presently I'm in Mexico for investment
projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile,I didn't
forget your past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring
those funds despite that it failed us some how. In appreciation of
your assistance I have mapped out as a compensation and wrote on
your favour a check worth of US$500,000.55.
So, you can now contact my secretary in Benin republic, Mr.
Francis on his e-mail address (francisox2@yahoo.it) and phone 00
229 9759 3983 and ask him to send you the total of US$500.000.55
which I kept for your compensation for all the past efforts and
attempts to assist me in the past transaction.
Bear in mind that this $500,000.55 is in draft, not cash, so you
need to send to her your full names and address as where the
draft/check will be posted/delivered.
So feel free to get in touched with my secretary and and furnish
him with the below information to enable him send the Bank Draft
to you at your own expense as I have done enough by allocating
such huge amount to you.
Even my current partner is not happy that i have to allocate such
amount to you bearing in mind your nonchalant attitude to the
transaction at its crucial stage.
And make sure that you furnish him with the following information:
Your full name:
Contact and mailing address:
Telephone and cellphone numbers:
In the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment
projects which me and the new partner are having at hand.
Finally, bear in mind that I had forwarded instruction to my
secretary to mail the draft to you once receipt of the above

My regards,
Mr. J. Kofi

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.