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13DailySite.com (ROI 130%)

Aperto da lello78, 20 Giugno 2007, 12:29:32

0 Utenti e 2 Visitatori stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Già...Speriamo almeno che mi ridia il deposito come dice... >:(


Program is Closed
Refunds will be issued after a refund plan is decided.
Full Update


azz proprio adesso che andava tutto a gonfie vele con questo surf  >:(


Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!


Essendo ufficialmente chiuso,non accettano piu' depositi ,e' da spostare ,successivamente daranno i dettagli per il refund  :(


Riporto la mail con il loro refund plan:

"Hello members,

We have spent the last couple of days deciding on the best refund strategy for members and calculating what percentage we can offer from our reserves. We have finally decided on one.

Your refund will be based on the upgrades you currently have in our program (that were never withdrawn). Cash Earnings and Referral Commissions are irrelavant to this refund plan, so we have removed them from the member area to avoid any confusion.

We have added the details of everyones refund plan to the members area. It shows the upgrades you currently have in our program and the refund amount you will get is a percentage of your upgrades. We have calculated these percentages based on what reserves we have left.

The refund rates are E-gold - 40%, SolidTrustPay - 40%, AlertPay - 100%

Since we never paid any AlertPay withdrawals in our program, all AlertPay upgrades will be refunded in full.

AlertPay refunds will be given priority and will be amongst the first to be processed and we expect all AlertPay members to be refunded within 3 days of when we start refunds.

We will then be processing E-gold and SolidTrustPay refunds after that and we expect all refunds to be processed within 2 weeks of when we begin refunds.

We will begin processing refunds on Wednesday, August 29th.

Thanks for your patience.


James Stewart
13DailySite Admin"


Precisi fino alla fine ,speriamo facciano un 13dailysite2  :)

   05:06   Payment Received   84678xxx   Gold   +0.024024   4641xxx     16.00 USD   666.00
From: 13 Daily Site    Merchant Reference #: 2642
Memo: 13DailySite: Refund


Ora li hanno pure bloccato il conto di alertpay  ;D ;D ;D


Aggiungo che gli hanno bloccato anche il conto Stormpay, il prossimo potrebbe essere egold (così sarà bloccato nei refund anche con questa moneta)


SolidTrustPay, non StormPay, e comunque gliel'hanno sbloccato:

CitazioneHello members,

Our SolidTrustPay account seems to have been blocked. We have contacted
SolidTrustPay in order to resolve this issue, so that we can resume
SolidTrustPay refunds.

Because of this, we are unable to process SolidTrustPay refunds at this

We suggest that members stop complaining to SolidTrustPay as this may
end up delaying things further.

We will continue to process E-gold refunds.

Thanks for your patience.

James Stewart
13DailySite Admin

Io però sto ancora aspettando il pagamento sul conto e-gold :(
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Ma entro quanto tempo paga i refund?!?
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


A me ha pagato una parte (il 60%) del refund e ha detto che pagherà il restante 40% entro 30 giorni.


Altre news per quelli che aspettano il refund:

Hello members,

Here is an update on the refunds:

All AlertPay refunds have been processed as stated in the last email update.

97% of SolidTrustPay refunds have been processed. The remaining 3% of accounts are being currently being investigated due to possible multiple accounts opened and/or referral commission stacking. We have also run out of SolidTrustPay funds, so if these members are found to be innocent, we will process these accounts refunds to e-gold. So we ask these members to add their e-gold account to their details in the Edit section in the members area.

About 50% of e-gold refunds have been processed, however it seems we will not be able to complete all the refunds within 2 weeks we previously stated, so we will need another week or two to complete all refunds to e-gold.

One of the reasons for the delay in e-gold refunds is that we are checking all accounts individually for any referral commission stackers and mutliple accounts before processing refunds. We only started doing this a few days ago, that is why e-gold refunds seem to have slowed somewhat recently.

We thank you for your patience during this refund process.


James Stewart
13DailySite Admin


Il sito se ne è andato (definitivamente?) senza pagarmi il rimborso promesso.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.