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Aperto da SuperMatrix, 14 Gennaio 2011, 21:10:42

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Questa HYIP propone 3 piani di investimento

BasicPlan: 120% dopo 5gg
MediumPlan: 145% dopo 10gg
PremiumPlan: 170% dopo 15gg

si parte da 5$ accetta AlertPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney

Link d'Iscrizione: ExtraIncome


Nuovo pagamento istantaneo  :D

CitazioneDate: February 11, 2011 3:24:18 AM
Amount Sent: $24.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: FB92A-E5B94-7BB92,
Message: Withdraw to frankys from exincome

iscrivetevi da qui, grazie  http://www.exincome.com



Continua a pagare istantaneamente  O0

Citazione* Date: April 05, 2011 4:02:19 AM
    * Amount Sent: $3.20 USD
    * Sender Name: Extra Income
    * Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
    * Reference Number: 3C913-CA1DC-
    * Message: Withdraw to frankys from www.exincome.com
Citazione* Date: April 06, 2011 5:44:13 PM
    * Amount Sent: $1.41 USD
    * Sender Name: Extra Income
    * Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
    * Reference Number: 7CAD5-42664-D789C

link di iscrizione http://www.exincome.com/?ref=frankys


Oggi ho rivevuto istantaneamente il mio primo pagamento. Eccolo:

Date:      4/23/2011 5:41:19 PM
Reference Number:    
Transaction type:    Transfer Received From   
Name/Email:    Extra Income
Current Status:    Completed
Amount:    $18.00 USD
Purchase Type:    Service
Shipping Details:    Not Provided
Details (optional):    Withdraw to Music86 from www.exincome.com

Se qualcuno volesse iscriversi anche sotto di me il link è questo:

ciao a tutti ;D


Io ho richiesto il pagamento 10 minuti fa e non mi è arrivato...inoltre il forum è offline...speriamo che arrivi presto...
Enrico ;)


Citazione di: enry93 il 24 Aprile 2011, 17:36:34
Io ho richiesto il pagamento 10 minuti fa e non mi è arrivato...inoltre il forum è offline...speriamo che arrivi presto...

I pagamenti non sono più istantanei dal 23 aprile e i vari banner dei monitor non sono più presenti nella home page!!!

Tira una brutta aria....

temo che Music86 sia stato uno degli ultimi ad essere stato pagato!!!


Purtroppo anche extraicome è diventato SCAM >:(
Leggete qua:

The biggest buzz online today was around the most successful short-term program of recent times that suddenly closed – ExtraIncome. The successful story lasted for over four months and many investors in profit were even wondering how it could last for such a long time. Of course not all the investors were in profit as ExtraIncome became really huge recently and possibly couldn't stand the heat of payments anymore. Without warning the withdrawals to all payment processors have been switched off at some moment today and then the site of ExtraIncome went offline for some time just to re-appear once again an hour later, but missing its official forum and rating page. Well, after that everything became clear and I immediately moved the program to Problem status where it belongs now. I must say that the admin of the program Phil confirmed to me that his program had been closed but for me the reason was way too unbelievable to even seriously consider that (however, everything and anything can happen in this industry, you know):
"Hello Paul. Our website has been hacked and a lot of user payment processors has been changed and their balance transferred to LR account. We could not keep it".
I would correct the admin a little bit. For me it looks like he was the only one who moved the funds to his LR account. Well, definitely he would not suffer because of the hack if it ever took place unlike some members, but I really hope that he will open another program soon because such admins like Phil who are capable of running a short-term program paying 120% after 5 days for over four months having completed over 25 cycles is absolutely stunning and sometimes even unbelievable. I wish there could be more such programs like ExtraIncome that could last for so many cycles and let so many investors earn. I'm truly sorry for those who lost in ExtraIncome but this couldn't last forever and you might know that if you are a regular MNO reader. Let's look for another leader in the short-term market soon, guys!

Avevo appena reinvestito sul paiano da 5 giorni il capitale e gli interssi :( :tickedoff: Se avessi aspettato un giorno di più.......


Citazione di: Music il 25 Aprile 2011, 19:42:55
Avevo appena reinvestito sul paiano da 5 giorni il capitale e gli interssi :( :tickedoff: Se avessi aspettato un giorno di più.......

Stessa cosa che avevo fatto io!  :'(

Il sito è sempre accessibile ma non si possono ritirare o depositare soldi tramite alertpay...

Sembra che l'admin non voglia gettare la spugna! Bah