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Global-ex.com - 15% per 10 giorni

Aperto da EBK, 21 Agosto 2007, 14:52:20

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.



Offre piano 15% per 10 giorni,minimo 1$

Aspetti positivi

1)Server dedicato..realmente   ..vuol dire no host da 2$ al mese,ma ha speso!
2) Design by Doris..più o meno 100$ di lavoro
3) Vecchio utente di MMG (non significa affidabile e onesto)
4) Targetta program admin su MMG(25$ al mese)

Solitamente se un admin spende,non chiude coi primi 100$ che incassa ;)

Aspetti negativi

1)Script Goldcoders
2) ROI alto
3) Taaaaanti monitor,solitamente caratteristica di scammer 
Comunque sia potrebbe essere un alternativa a comprare banner nei forum,la spesa penso sia uguale.

Sta a voi la scelta...

90% di ref se vi iscrivete sotto di me





Sono solo io che non riesco ad accedere da ieri??



Citazione di: RobyR il 25 Agosto 2007, 09:16:54
Sono solo io che non riesco ad accedere da ieri??

a me va ma non sei l'unico che non vede Global-ex

Per quanto sembrerà strano,te lo dico per esperienza personale..Spegni e riavvia il tuo modem/ruoter e ricollegati ad internet.
Vedrai che magicamente riuscirai ad accedere al sito.





io..... l'altro giorno ero riuscito ad entrare.....



I problemi sembra dipendano ....

Dear e-bullion users,

Our e-bullion account is currently on hold. We are unable to transfer any funds from our account. Please give us about 24 - 48 hours time for us solve this issue. We have contacted the support at e-bullion mentioning that we are doing some online project ( we cannot mention that we are running a HYIP program as that is considered illegal by e-bullion ) and that we want our account's transaction option to be enabled.
Our e-gold account was also blocked and we are working on sorting out the issues. I request everyone to kindly be patient and understanding for the next 24 to 48 hours as I will keep you updated on the situation.

Thank you for your co-operation and support.



Admin Mail

Greetings to all GE members,

I never thought that I would ever face such a horrendous situation, but it has. I have to inform each one of you about it.
Our e-gold account 4691689 has been frozen. We are unable to do anything with it and we are looking into this issue with great urgency. We have also been facing problem with our hosting server.
This has shattered my dreams and I have been left with absolutely no choice but to call it quits for GE. So, I have decided to close down GE and have all the funds refunded to my members. I have been doing my best in making sure that all the payouts were made on time. I really wanted to run this site for a very long time.
I am not a scammer. I have been an online investor frequenting several public forums for a long time. I do not wish to post this matter in public forums because that will only cause others to accuse me of scamming; which is definetly NOT what's on my mind. Anyway, this issue is between me and my members so I do feel that it is necessary to inform uninvolved individuals.
This is a very difficult time for me. I really need your support and patience during this time. It will take me about 3 to 4 weeks to have everyones' funds refunded. There also seems to be a problem with the site's database which requires additional time to sort out.
When I was always online and making the payouts, all of you cheered me on and encouraged me. I need the same support and motivation to get me through this crisis. This has brought me great losses in terms of finance, time and effort.
I hope that you will be patient and understanding towards me.
Those of you who wish to contact me, may continue to do so at globalglex@gmail.com and I will surely reply and keep you updated on the progress.
I request everyone to understand my situation as I will not be able to pay you in profits. Instead, you will be getting at least 95% to 100% of your investment as I have spent a great deal for creating and operating this site.
If possible, do send me details regarding your investment and the profits you have received and the remaining funds so that it will make it easier for me to process the payouts.

I will be back for sure not as an Admin, but as an investor.




"This Account Has Been Suspended"

sposto..credo sia andato..
Admin Of
80% Ref Com Back  For LIFE!