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Aperto da smartmouse, 03 Settembre 2007, 14:26:16

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Il nuovo programma di Tony:


Here's our second update for the weekend. This one is going to be
short since It's late and I'm pretty tired.

New Site
Our new site is up and ready to take signups. Before I give the link
it's important that you know what this site is about. It's not
a new surf site or anything like that. It's going to strictly be
used to manage all rebates from all our other sites. Pending Rebates
from our sites(NextGenSurf, PayDayClix, and PayDayPrivate) will be
sent over to the this new site and we will then manage and pay the
rebates from the new site. I will send a more detailed explanation on
why we are doing this in the next update, but the new site does give a
short summary of why.

For now, I need everyone to go to the new site and create an account.
It's a very short procedure and if you can use the same username
and/or email you already use that will be a big help. The signup page
will ask for an e-gold number, if you don't have one just put in
123456. We will ask for all your other payment processors later.

Here is the link to the new site:


This site is a private site, so do not give this link out. It's
only for members of our sites now that are due a rebate or have active
ad-packs running. If you are a free member and have never made an
Ad-Pack purchase you do not need to signup.
Once you signup and verify your email, you don't need to do
anything else.
We will then put any pending rebates you are owed into the new site. I
will then send further instructions on how we will be paying out the
rebates you are owed.

Support Emails
The link for the new Ticket Support System will be going out late
Monday sometime. Please wait to send your questions then.

That's it for now. Stay tuned for more updates.

Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Mi sono iscritto anche se non ho capito bene il da farsi  :)


Barone dove sei?

Su PayDayClix avevo due pending: 71,40$ e 50,40$. Ora risultano pagati, ma in PayDayMembers ho solo 58$, perchè? ???
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 06 Settembre 2007, 14:18:54

Su PayDayClix avevo due pending: 71,40$ e 50,40$. Ora risultano pagati, ma in PayDayMembers ho solo 58$, perchè? ???

ma dove li vedi i pending di paydayclix?
comunque anche ha me ha fatto una cosa del genere. mi ritrovo 125$ ma avevo un pending da 106 su paydayclix e uno da 74 su nextgensurf.......e non parlo degli investimenti  :knuppel2:  :'(


Scusate volevo dire PayDayPrivate, non PayDayClix.
Barone aspettiano tue delucidazioni :P
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 06 Settembre 2007, 14:18:54
Barone dove sei?

Su PayDayClix avevo due pending: 71,40$ e 50,40$. Ora risultano pagati, ma in PayDayMembers ho solo 58$, perchè? ???

Adesso ho 66$ nell'account di PDM (PayDayMembers), credo per effetto dell'ultimo pagamento pending che avevo su NextGenSurf, cioè 8,15$.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Urgent Updates from PayDayMembers.com


Here is the latest updates on where we are with our sites. I\'m
going to handle this one site at a time, with NextGenSurf.com being
the first one. PayDayPrivate will be done tomorrow followed by
PayDayClix on Thursday.

Almost all pending rebates in NextGenSurf have been moved over to
PayDayMembers.com. If you still have a pending rebate in NextGensurf
it is because we can\'t find your account. So, if you have a
pending rebate at NextGenSurf that has not been moved, go to the new
support site we have listed below and put in a ticket with your
username/email on both sites and we will get you taken care of.

Support Emails/Questions/Etc...


The above link is our new support ticket system for all our sites. If
you have a question, you need to go to the link above and put in a
ticket. If you sent an email and are waiting on a reply, it will not
be answered. I have way to many emails asking the same questions and
we are not getting everyones emails due to the high volume of spam.
The new support ticket system makes it much easier to handle questions
and I can have others helping me out if needed.
Please direct only questions about NextGenSurf at this time. Since that
is the site we are focusing on right now.

Terms of NextGenSurf
The terms of NextGenSurf are also being adjusted so add packs
don\'t last as long and it\'s also a more manageable level to
handle. The new terms are 2% for 75 Days. Rebate requests will be
transfered over to PayDayMembers.com within 48 hours(excluding
weekends and holidays).
Just to clear things up, we will not be paying rebates out from
NextGenSurf.com or our other sites like we did in the past. When you
make a rebate request we will transfer it over to PayDayMembers.com
within 48 hours(excluding weekends and holidays). Once it gets
transferred over to PayDayMembers.com we will handle the rebate
process from there.

Most of you may be wondering why we are transferring rebates over to
PayDayMembers.com and not paying like we use to. With running 3 sites,
3 different scripts, doing 50 percent matches and repurchases it has
made it very difficult to get a firm grip on the finances. It\'s
very difficult to determine at any given time how many Ad-Packs are in
the system and not to mention how much we need to anticipate for
rebates. We also have the issue of money coming in from our online and
offline ventures. It\'s very hard to predict how much money we
will have available for rebates on a weekly basis. Not everything we
put funds into generate a return. Sometimes we loose and sometimes it
takes longer than expected to get your returns. When you offer the
rebates/returns on advertising that we try to pay, you have to take
risks with the money.

So, to make things easier on us and to also help insure that everyone
gets some payments on their rebates we have setup the new site. With
the new site we are able to see exactly how much in rebates are
pending and then pay a percentage based on the income we have made for
that week. Let\'s say we have $3,000 in rebates and we made $500
(in income/returns/etc) that week. We would take the $500 and divide
it by $3,000 for a return of 16.66%. Each member would then get a
rebate of 16.6% of the total amount that have in Rebate Plans at
PayDayMembers.com. If you had a total of $500 in Rebate Plans you
would get $83.30 added to your account balance which you could then
request for withdrawal. Also you are getting an extra 15% for allowing
us to do this.
I realize it may take longer for you to earn your money back you spent,
but with this new system we no longer have pay out more money than we
have coming in and it allows us to put members funds into safer
places. It allows us adjust pay if we take a loss. If we do well, it
allows us to pay more. I think we will gain much stability with this
new plan.
We plan on offering the first % of rebates on either Friday or Monday.
Once we add this to the system you will be able to make rebate
requests again and payments will start again next week to your payment

Closing Notes
Some of you may be a little upset on how I have handled these problems
in the past couple weeks or upset I haven\'t responded to any
emails or forum posts.
The problems originally started when NextGenSurf script went down and
some other server issues. It took us a little longer than expected to
fix these issues. In the meantime while this was going on I had
another major project I was finishing up with my main business. Well,
between keeping all the sites going, the site/server problems, and my
major project I got completely burned out. I was to the point that I
could hardly even function normally with just regular daily
activities. I was to the point I wanted to close all the sites down
and even get away from my other obligations. So, In order to save my
sanity and health I had to take a break for awhile. But, I have rested
now and worked things out in my head. I\'ve also got other help
now as needed for minor things. Do keep in mind that while I was
taking a break, the sites have not produced any income and still
managed to pay rebates up until about a week ago. I\'ve also had
some outside ventures not produce the returns like they us
e to and even some of the online ventures have not done very well. So,
this was a major factor in how I came up with the new program.
Those of you who know me, do know that I will do everything humanly
possible to keep paying and keep the sites going.
I do believe we have a strong following and can once again be moving
even more effeciently than we did before. So, thanks for the support
and lets get rolling again.

Take care.... Tony
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


A me su PayDayPrivate è scomparso l'upgrade e il guadagno inoltre non riesco ad avere risposte da Tony anche scrivendo al nuovo sito di supporto per tutti i suoi siti, anche perchè volevo spiegargli che PDP ho un account con una email diversa che sugli altri siti e pregarlo di unificare il tutto su PDM.
In compenso su NGS e PDC sembra ce le cose ricomincino a funzionare, il problema che ancora non mi è chiaro come funzionerà tutto il sistema, se sono possibili upgrade, come è possibile investire  sul nuovo sito, a quali condizioni.
Penso ci voglia un po' di pazienza, spero solo che si ritrovi il mio upgrade su PDP.
Aspetto delucidazioni da qualcuno che ha capito più di me.


Nuova email di Tony (di 2 giorni fa):

CitazioneHello Everyone,

This is going to be pretty good update, so please read.

Rebate Payouts
I know many of you have been waiting patiently for this, so I\'m
glad to inform everyone that we are are ready to start making payments
again. I am going to let you know up front that this 1st round is not
going to be much. Keep in mind that we haven\'t taken in any new
funds in almost a month now and continued to pay for quite a while
afterward. The money we are using for this 1st round is coming from
some very low return investments and stuff we have going on. But, I
do think this is a good start and we will go from here.
For this 1st week we are paying 10% of the total amount of rebate
options you have in your account on PayDayMembers.com.

Here is what you need to do to request a Payout. Log into your account
and on the main page you will see \"Your balance\". If you
earned at least $5 or more you can request a payout.

Eddai, your Current Balance is: 6.60

We are also allowing you as a second option to use Your balance to buy
more rebate options. Just click the Buy rebate options link in the
left hand menu. Buy choosing this option you are helping us out by
letting our funds work a little bit longer to generate more returns
and it also gives us more funds to pay to those who need the money
right away or not in profit yet.

If you request a Payout
If you do make a Payout Request we do need you to send us your Payment
Processor info. We are currently only paying out with SolidTrustPay
and AlertPay. E-gold is to risky right now and I will not take a
chance getting any funds locked up with them.
After you make a payout request go to our Ticket System link below and
submit a ticket with your username and payout info. Click on the Ask a
Question and be sure to
select the PayDayMembers.com(Payout Info) Category.


That\'s about it for now. We will start making some rebate payments
tomorrow for those that make a request and should be finished up by
next Wednesday.
Next Wednesday we will again pay a percentage of whatever you have in
your account and you can make another payout request. I am hoping we
will be able to pay a higher percentage next week.

I\'ll send another update if needed once I see how things go in the
next day or so.

Take care.... Tony

...e pagamento incassato dopo poche ore dall'apertura del ticket:
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Tony ha cambiato di nuovo idea!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to send an update out thru here in case you haven\'t
received one from our other sites. If you have gotten our updates from
NextGenSurf and PayDayPrivate then you already know what is going on.
So, this will be a brief update.

We are going to continue to run the sites like before with some changes
to each. If you have any more rebates that were still do to you, then
they will be added to either NextGenSurf or PayDayPrivate. Ad-Packs
have already been added to NextGenSurf. We are adding Ad-Packs into
PayDayPrivate today.

Your balances in PayDayMembers will be removed since they will now be
put back into the appropriate site. We will be doing something new
with the PayDayMembers.com site at a later date.

Take care and be sure to check for updates from our other sites.


Non ci resta solo che aspettare che Tony prenda una decisione definitiva!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


ma è ancora attivo questo sito?
