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  • Messaggi totali: 50.531
  • Totale discussioni: 7.257
  • Online Oggi: 62
  • Massimi online: 1.578 (05 Settembre 2016, 16:07:48)
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  • Visitatori: 65
  • Totale: 65


Aperto da darwin, 01 Marzo 2015, 15:03:30

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Official Launch: 16.03.2015 11:00 am

Il funzionamento sarà molto simile a quello di PaidVerts e Digadz
Ci saranno le ads che ci daranno BP gratuiti ogni giorno
e per ogni $1 speso in campagne pubblicitarie ci verranno dati 1540 BP

1 BP vale 0.001$

0 to 1600 BP ( 1.8% of total funds shared with members in this group )
1600 to 16,000 BP ( 2.7% of total funds shared with members in this group )
16,000 to 32,000 BP ( 3.5% of total funds shared with members in this group )
32,000 to 64,000 BP ( 6.0% of total funds shared with members in this group )
64,000 to 120,000 BP ( 8.0% of total funds shared with members in this group )
120,000 to 240,000 BP ( 11.0% of total funds shared with members in this group )
240,000 to 580,000 BP ( 13.5% of total funds shared with members in this group )
580,000 to 1,500,00 BP ( 14.5% of total funds shared with members in this group )
1,500,000 to 6,000,000 BP ( 16.0% of total funds shared with members in this group )
Over 6,000,000 BP ( 23.0% of total funds shared with members in this group )

Processori: Payza, STP, PM, EP, Payeer

Maggioni informazioni verranno aggiunte appena saranno disponibili