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[CLOSED] DreamClix.com

Aperto da BsW, 29 Maggio 2007, 00:11:28

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.



DreamClix ha aperto oggi!!
Innovative PTC System


TILL 08/06/07
20% discount on Banner Ads, Text Ads and Paid Links
0.10$ discount on every referral you buy

Advertising Costs here:

We would like to introduce the meaning of DreamClix.

Nowadays is hard to find a fast and rewarding system so as to meet requirements of advertisers and those who wish earn a small income to pay small bills like internet connections, concerts , cinema and so on.

The trouble is that many times there are more clickers than advertisers. How to tackle it? It's not easy, but we will find a way together.

First of all we have a small list of contacts that can acquaint us to the outside world. Then it's up to you to help us to promote DreamClix. Who knows people better then you? Nobody. You will be cash rewarded for every client you bring to us.

Now...How Works DreamClix?

Every day,of course if there're going to be advertisers, you will have the opportunity to earn a commission to view our current ads listed in your account.
Every single click will increase your account balance.
Most Ads will be rewarded up to 0.01$; every ad will become active again after 24 hours, of course if it didn't already expired.
Moreover, as we disclosed, you will get paid 40% for each website your first referral view.

How do we cover costs with the current prices of advertising packages?

First of all Dreamclix is still at the beginning stage and has to find clients as well advertisers. Prices cover the total amount of clicks, 40% of referral earnings on every click, a profit margin of 20% of which half to pay hosting maintenance, advertising costs, paypal fees, 5% into a reserve fund and the rest(5%) will be our income.

Who and Why should you advertise here?

We realize that building a website is not as technical as it has been in the past, so much so that hundred of new ones are launching every day.
However most of them forget the importance of advertising. Of course, most of you don't have a penny or believe that is useless investing to get more webtraffic and recruiting new clients.
Most of who is reading this short introduction is a regular member of GPT (GetPaidTo) Systems like Paid to Read,Surf,Signup,Click websites or High Yield Investment Programs.

I'm sure that you have one of these website or you are intend to try to open a GPT website and trying to get new members.
Also I'm sure You are joining a lot of them and trying to get more referrals.
So our advertising packages area adviced for wesbite owners or even for members that have a referral link to promote.

But our advertising system is not limited to this type of sites. We accept all sort of sites except illegal and adult content sites.We have a dedicated section for E-commerce Sites,Health & Recreation, Arts & Entertainment. Every time you will submit a new site's category we will add it to our "Click Ads" page. In Fact, when you will order your advertising package you will have to choose "Other" as category if you don't find the right one for your site. Once your site will be accepted we will choose a new and related category for you.

Now, I want that you compare our advertising prices with other websites.What conclusions did you draw?

...Tu sum up...

Earn Up to 0.01$ per click
1 Referral Tier - 40% of his website views
5.00$ Minimum Cashout
E-gold - Paypal Accepted
No-Stop Payments

...whereas, for advertisers...

Low Cost Advertising
Paid To Click Links, Static Banners and Banner Rotators
Wide Assortment to curb spending and meet your requirements
Personal CTR Monitor and Advertiser Account
48 hours to set up your ad



Mi sono iscritto anch'io.
La cosa sembra promettente. In pratica si cliccherà su messaggi presenti nella propria area membri. Questi messaggi possono essere cliccati anche il giorno dopo se saranno ancora presenti.
Il programma partirà ad agosto ma  conviene essere tra i primi per poter avere maggiori possibilità di reclutare nuovi amici.
Pagheranno anche tramite Paypal e il minimo è di soli 5 Dollari.
Una curiosità: c'è la possibilità di comprare referral! In altre parole puoi comprarti referral che si sono iscritti a Dreamclix senza cliccare su un referrallink.
Nota dolente: pagano solo per il primo livello
Nota positiva: ti pagano bel il 40% sui guadagni dei tuoi referral diretti.

Se decideste di darci un'occhiata mi fareste un grandissimo favore se lo faceste tramite il mio link invito:
http://dreamclix.com/signup.php?r=691 magari a buon rendere  :laugh:
Costruisci il tuo Network sociale in meno di 10 minuti:
E se non sei ancora iscritto ad agloco visita:
http://www.agloco-italia.com o iscriviti usando il mio referral link http://www.agloco.com/r/BBCN8170


oggi è partita è sta andando molto bene
ci sono una decina di link da 1 cent

iscrivetevi :)

il passato tende a ripetersi nel futuro ..


si, è vero! E ho visto che anche i miei referral hanno già cliccato sui link.  :laugh:

Comunque sembrerebbe che nel prossimo futuro, verso agosto, ci saranno molti più link a disposizione.

Il mio link invito per chi fosse interessato: http://dreamclix.com/signup.php?r=691

Costruisci il tuo Network sociale in meno di 10 minuti:
E se non sei ancora iscritto ad agloco visita:
http://www.agloco-italia.com o iscriviti usando il mio referral link http://www.agloco.com/r/BBCN8170


in tutto oggi 18 link da 1 cent

davvero ottima iscrivetevi

il passato tende a ripetersi nel futuro ..


Registrata sotto m4ve come promesso tempo fa... ci ho messo un po', ma alla fine l'ho fatto  :buck2:



non essendoci la funzione edit, devo fare un altro post per dire di non usare ovviamente il mio link per dreamclix, l'ho incollato per errore  :uglystupid2:



"Yesterday DreamHost contacted us telling us we need to transfer our site to a VPS or a Dedicated Server.
Here is the e-mail:

I'm writing you about your database "[xxxx]" and your domain dreamclix.com. The database was causing a severe load on the mysql server around 50 times higher than normal this morning. I've had to add a few index to help fix it, but your mysql usage is still extremely high.
It appears you have a site to do per-click paying, this will cause a huge amount of mysql usage and views of your site.
I would recommend not using shared hosting for this, you are already causing a strain on the mysql server and the web server is full of connections from your site:
13.5 requests/sec - 18.8 kB/second - 1423 B/request 168 requests currently being processed, 58 idle workers
KKKK_R__KK_.K_K_KKKKK._RKKKCKK_K.KK._KR___KKKKG__KWKG__K.KKKCWCK _KKK_WCCRKKCCC_K_WKK_KWGKKKK_KKKKKKK__K_KK__KKKKKK.KK.KK__..KK_K KKKK__KKKK.K_KKKKKRK_KK__K_KKKKKKKKKK_CK.K._KKK..KK___._K_.C.K_K KCK__KK_KKKG_KKKKW_K_K__KCK_KK_KKK.KKKKKK__.K.KK...KRK.K_C...... Each one of the K, R and _ is someone viewing your site right this second, this is rather high and if it gets any higher or the apache service starts to not handle it and hang or die, your site will need to be throttled to only allow so many connections to keep servers stable.
I would recommend a VPS or dedicated solution that can handle your traffic: http://dreamhost.com/dedicated-hosting.html
You can see your mysql usage in the control panel here: https://panel.dreamhost.com/index.cgi?tree=status.mysql&; Then click on view details. You are running up to 5 million queries a day at times, which is around 57 queries/second average!
Sorry but this is asking too much for shared hosting.
I haven't disabled anything yet but I will likely have to do so very soon with this traffic.
You can write me about this issue at [privacy]@dreamhost.com.br> Thanks! [privacy]

So, for today and tomorrow we won't send any paid link. In the meantime we are finding the best solution to avoid future server issues.
I will keep you updated when DreamClix will be transfered to a new server.
Don't worry about your earnings, referrals, purchases, advertising orders and so on.
All will be back to normal once we have a new server.
Hope you can understand our situation. Check our news section every day for new updates.
Thanks for your patience,
DreamClix Team"


Citazione di: BsW il 29 Maggio 2007, 00:11:28


DreamClix ha aperto oggi!!
Innovative PTC System


TILL 08/06/07
20% discount on Banner Ads, Text Ads and Paid Links
0.10$ discount on every referral you buy

Advertising Costs here:

We would like to introduce the meaning of DreamClix.

Nowadays is hard to find a fast and rewarding system so as to meet requirements of advertisers and those who wish earn a small income to pay small bills like internet connections, concerts , cinema and so on.

The trouble is that many times there are more clickers than advertisers. How to tackle it? It's not easy, but we will find a way together.

First of all we have a small list of contacts that can acquaint us to the outside world. Then it's up to you to help us to promote DreamClix. Who knows people better then you? Nobody. You will be cash rewarded for every client you bring to us.

Now...How Works DreamClix?

Every day,of course if there're going to be advertisers, you will have the opportunity to earn a commission to view our current ads listed in your account.
Every single click will increase your account balance.
Most Ads will be rewarded up to 0.01$; every ad will become active again after 24 hours, of course if it didn't already expired.
Moreover, as we disclosed, you will get paid 40% for each website your first referral view.

How do we cover costs with the current prices of advertising packages?

First of all Dreamclix is still at the beginning stage and has to find clients as well advertisers. Prices cover the total amount of clicks, 40% of referral earnings on every click, a profit margin of 20% of which half to pay hosting maintenance, advertising costs, paypal fees, 5% into a reserve fund and the rest(5%) will be our income.

Who and Why should you advertise here?

We realize that building a website is not as technical as it has been in the past, so much so that hundred of new ones are launching every day.
However most of them forget the importance of advertising. Of course, most of you don't have a penny or believe that is useless investing to get more webtraffic and recruiting new clients.
Most of who is reading this short introduction is a regular member of GPT (GetPaidTo) Systems like Paid to Read,Surf,Signup,Click websites or High Yield Investment Programs.

I'm sure that you have one of these website or you are intend to try to open a GPT website and trying to get new members.
Also I'm sure You are joining a lot of them and trying to get more referrals.
So our advertising packages area adviced for wesbite owners or even for members that have a referral link to promote.

But our advertising system is not limited to this type of sites. We accept all sort of sites except illegal and adult content sites.We have a dedicated section for E-commerce Sites,Health & Recreation, Arts & Entertainment. Every time you will submit a new site's category we will add it to our "Click Ads" page. In Fact, when you will order your advertising package you will have to choose "Other" as category if you don't find the right one for your site. Once your site will be accepted we will choose a new and related category for you.

Now, I want that you compare our advertising prices with other websites.What conclusions did you draw?

...Tu sum up...

Earn Up to 0.01$ per click
1 Referral Tier - 40% of his website views
5.00$ Minimum Cashout
E-gold - Paypal Accepted
No-Stop Payments

...whereas, for advertisers...

Low Cost Advertising
Paid To Click Links, Static Banners and Banner Rotators
Wide Assortment to curb spending and meet your requirements
Personal CTR Monitor and Advertiser Account
48 hours to set up your ad


@BsW: sei tu l'admin? :coolsmiley:
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.



Perchè ce lo hai tenuto nascosto? :(
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Citazione di: smartmouse il 01 Ottobre 2007, 19:51:19
Perchè ce lo hai tenuto nascosto? :(

Non l'ha tenuto nascolto..Lo ha semplicemente tralasciato  ;D ;D

Se chiedevi a bsw prima ti avrebbe subito detto che era lui l'admin  :P


beh oggi lo vengo a sapere anch'io, perchè tenerlo ancora nella sezione della plebaglia??


Forse BsW ha paura del nostro monitor! Lo sa che ci accaniamo contro gli italiani :knuppel2:

A proposito... paga? ;D
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


Pago ma sconsiglio l'iscrizione. Vi conviene aspettare un paio di giorni e ne parte un'altra. ;D