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aiuto configurazione script traffic exchange su altervista

Non riesco a capire dove prendere username e password...

Aperto da bastardobuono, 27 Marzo 2010, 12:40:09

0 Utenti e 1 Visitatore stanno visualizzando questa discussione.


Ciao, ho configurato o meglio installato lo script traffic exchange senza problemi ora però dovrei andare in http://www.nirtoglicerina.altervista.org/control/ e mettere nome utente e password ma non so dove reperirle... ho provato sul file vars.php ma mi aggiorna la pagina ma sempre su quella schermata non mi fa fare l'accesso aiutatemi perchè non ho mai installato script prima d'ora e su yahoo e google non trovo guide XD
la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


è traffic exchange non so altro se vuoi lo allego...
la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


Citazione di: bastardobuono il 27 Marzo 2010, 14:58:00
è traffic exchange non so altro se vuoi lo allego...

Allegalo, così magari ci dò un'occhiata veloce...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


ciao, ho appena provato con test test nulla... ho updato ora il database ma riprovando con le password del file vars.php ancora nulla attendo aiuti XD
la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


Forse il problema è dovuto al fatto che lo script in realtà non funziona!
Infatti andando all'url principale compare il seguente errore:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: uheader() in /membri/nirtoglicerina/index.php  on line 10

Messaggio che compare anche a me (anche io ho provato su AlterVista). Sinceramente non so a cosa sia dovuto quell'errore, ma penso derivi dall'hosting.

Ad ogni modo, se vuoi un consiglio, cerca un altro script!
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


ciao ho scambiato script ora sto usando autosurf v2.5. Però ho un problemino, ho updato il file .sql ma ora mi dice che devo aggiungere una stringa o meglio una query ma non so dove metterla e non riesco a capirlo. vi scrivo sotto il testo help... grazie

Countdown surfing timer
Complete members area
Multiple site capabilities for members
Random site and browse modes for members to earn credits
Automatic banner script capable of rotating, and displaying multiple banners
Complete access to modify all member and site data through web interface
Ability to customize site colors, name, member starting credits, referral rate and much more
email module to send messages or newsletters to your members
Prewritten FAQ page
User Referal credits
Block content management
Modular design for unlimited upgradability with absolutely no down time.
Automatic email to new signups.
PayPal module to charge users for points
Easy to install
A UNIX webhosting account that has: PHP4.2, Sendmail, FTP access and MySQL.

Setup Instructions

Setting up the Data and Structures
Import the data structures. Hitjammer comes with the needed SQL script that you will need to import
into mySQL, called hitjammer.sql. If you have phpMyadmin running on your machine, then this should be an
easy job. If not, this is a basic run down of how to import the script to your mySQL database.

To move your dumpfile between hosts, you can use an FTP program on your own computer to first download
the file to your own computer and then upload it from your computer to your web account.

Once you have the file hitjammer.sql on your server, get a mySQL shell prompt on our server using telnet or SSH.
Assuming you FTP'd the dumpfile to your home directory, you would import it into MySQL my typing all
the following on 1 line and then hitting the enter key:

mysql -u myname -pmypassword -h localhost dbname < hitjammer.sql

The above assumes that your MySQL username on your server is "myname", your MySQL password is "mypassword",
your mySql hostnameis "localhost" your database name on our server is "dbname" and the dumpfile on your
system in your current directory is named "hitjammer.sql".

Your database is all setup now. If you have problems with your mySQL username/password, hostname, you should contact
technical support of your webspace. They may have other ways to import the data.

Setting up your site
This release of Hitjammer 1.0 Hit Exchange Program needs 3 variables changed in the file dbconn.php Open up the file and change the
following values like so:

$db_user = 'database user';
$db_pass = 'database password';
$db_name = 'datbasename';
$db_server = 'localhost';

You will need to enter the values of your db user and password. Save the file and you
are ready to go.

All that is left to do is to logon to the administration section of your site, which is the following url:


The first thing you want to do is to log into the account with the default username combination which is hitjammer/hitjammer.
Next you should change the admin password.
You will now want to go to the EDIT SITE PARAMETERS section of the administration tool. From here you can customize all aspects of your site.
We will go through each of the site parameters:

Title of Website- This is the default value of your website title. You can call your site whatever you'd like.

Style Sheet- Hit Jammer 1.0 comes with a great style sheet that controls the look of your fonts and colors. You can edit this style sheet in a text editor if
you do not like the styles set up for the default settings. If you do not wish to use the style sheet, simply delete this item (leave blank) from the site parameters and then
the site looks and colors will be controlled by the following parameters...

Header Color: This is the head color of most of your window boxes
Emphasised Font Color: This is the emphasised font color
Default Table Color: This is the default background color of the HTML tables
Table Color 2: This is another table background color of the HTML tables
Font Alert Color: This is the font alert color
Background Color: This is the default background color of your site

Sell Points?: Hitjammer 1.0 comes with a purchase points module that allows you to sell points and banner impressions
on your site with your PayPal account. If you want to turn this module off, change the value to false.Select yes to display the sell points link. Be sure that you have a PayPal account before using this option. If you do not have an account, select NO.

Signup Points: This is the amount of points that new users will receive upon signup

Points Per Referal: This is the value you set for referrals. If a person refers a user, their account will automatically be
credited with the value below. 300 is the default.

Point Increment: This is where you define your points per surf. IF a person surfs one page, they will be credited with the
value specified here.

Standard Top Banner Image: This is the banner image section of the site. You will need to create 650X72 banner for this. If not,
your site will display the default banner which is located in the images directory.

PayPal Banner Image: This is a small version of your banner and must be 150X50. This is the image used if a person decides to purchase
points or banner space from you. This is the small logo that appears on the PayPal order screen.

Contact Email: This is your default email account that people will see to contact you with.

ClickBank Account: Enter your ClickBank account name here

PayPal Account: If you decide to turn the PayPal module on, then you should put your PayPal account address here. PayPal
makes it easy to buy and sell items on the internet without the hassle of having to purchase a merchant account
at a bank.

Site URL: This is the URL that your site is listed as...change this value to match your location of the Hit Jammer 1.0 application

Privacy Document: It is always good these days to have a privacy and SPAM policy. We have provided to you 2 blank templates that
you can fill in with your information.

Contact Name: Change this value to be your name

URL Display Type: Weighted, or Random, you choose.

Main Page HTML: This is the text that your people see when they visit your page. You can use HTML tags here.

Email Footer: This is the default footer (or signature) that is sent with all of the emails you send from the administraion section.

Professional Installation is available for this script! Feel free to email us and we will be glad to be of assistance.


Hitjammer 1.0 runs by itself. Automated emails are sent out to users when they signup. You are notified when a person
reports a site as well. There is an administration section though that allows you to edit your users, make URLs and user
accounts inactive. You can even change point values to your users. To get to the admin section, go to this url:


From here you will see the basic menu that comes with the admin portion of Hitjammer.

User Administration
This section allows you to edit your users information and delete them. You can adjust their points and make their URL or accounts active.

Email Users
This is a great tool send information to your members. You can send a test email message to yourself by selecting TEST SEND from the Send To drop down box. This is a good idea to see what your message looks like to your users. You can send an HTML email by selecting HTML in the Format drop down box. Click on the send button and just wait. If your member list is long then it will take some time for your message to be sent. This tool should not be used to spam your users. You should include a signature message explaining to your users why they are receiving an email. Selecting the links at the bottom of the page will show you a data dump of your users that you can use to send out emails from a different email server.

The points section of the banner administration is the point countdown. Once a banner client's number is 0 then their banner will no
longer be displayed.

Block Administration
Blocks are the areas you see from the right and left of the screen. You can use these to place advertisments, menus, links or whatever. This is a good area to place sponsor ads.

FAQ Administration
The FAQ administration is what it is. Add a question and answer and they will show up automatically on the site.
la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


A che stringa fai riferimento? Se intendi questa

Citazionemysql -u myname -pmypassword -h localhost dbname < hitjammer.sql

e se carichi il database (ovvero il file .sql) tramite PHPMyAdmin, allora puoi ignorare tranquillamente quella stringa.
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.


la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


andando qui http://www.nirtoglicerina.altervista.org/admin/ mi da un errore   Can't connect to MySQL server on 'www.nirtoglicerina.altervista.org' (111)     a cosa può essere dovuto? non capisco dove sbaglio...

edito: ho sbagliato quello che dovevo mettere alla voce server, ora ho messo localhost e mi da un altro errore     Access denied for user 'nirtoglicerina'@'localhost' to database 'mishies'     non ci ho capito nulla sinceramente XD
la gente a volte dice che chi sta sempre davanti al pc non ha una vita sociale ma chi ha una vita sociale e non è davanti al pc non conosce cose che chi passa tempo davanti al pc conosce. (bastardobuono)


Mostraci il contenuto del file dove hai inserito localhost...
Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed.